A lot of pictures, when uploaded from deviantart, only samples appear, like
where better pictures are downloadable, or
where deviantart claims they have a better picture (but there is no button for download it)
Posted under Bugs & Features
A lot of pictures, when uploaded from deviantart, only samples appear, like
where better pictures are downloadable, or
where deviantart claims they have a better picture (but there is no button for download it)
reg_panda said:
A lot of pictures, when uploaded from deviantart, only samples appear, like
where better pictures are downloadable, or
I don't know why these posts are doing this
where deviantart claims they have a better picture (but there is no button for download it)
But these I do. Danbooru used to be able to rip the true full res of posts like this because the DeviantArt extractor used an exploit that made those images accessible. DA patched out the exploit (likely as part of the rollout for paid downloads), so now those source images are inaccessible and we rip the best available sample instead. Gallery-DL has the same issue now, you'll just get the best sample if you try and rip a post that has downloads disabled or paywalled.
I've replaced post #7753849. The full size of post #7751260 is the parent. Report other downloadable samples in the replacement thread.
I see. I don't like how danbooru just silently drops the quality. It shouldn't. Also it should auto-tag image_sample and paid_reward_available both.
reg_panda said:
I see. I don't like how danbooru just silently drops the quality. It shouldn't. Also it should auto-tag image_sample and paid_reward_available both.
How do you expect paid reward available to be automated? It's not like they have to post the paid reward link in the commentary.