post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

BUR #27640 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update pool:22695 -> y2k_(fashion)
nuke pool:22695

This isn't anything worth being its own pool. It's all stuff that can go under fashion. Not to mention, to my knowledge at least, we don't tag by fashion decades. And even if the concept is worthwhile (which I really don't think it is honestly), it should be a tag and not a pool.

Edit: See further discussion. Turning this BUR into a pool-to-tag conversion.


Knowledge_Seeker said:

BUR #27640 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update pool:22695 -> y2k_(fashion)
nuke pool:22695

This isn't anything worth being its own pool. It's all stuff that can go under fashion. Not to mention, to my knowledge at least, we don't tag by fashion decades. And even if the concept is worthwhile (which I really don't think it is honestly), it should be a tag and not a pool.

I made this pool, I wasn't sure about making a tag or a pool so ended up going with a pool because I wasn't sure if making a whole tag was acceptable and was nervous. Apologies, I'm brand new here. Is there a way to turn it into a favgroup?

Fashion is very broad, though, so it doesn't exactly make finding things you want to see easy. Also, is there a reason to finding something like this not worthwhile? I don't really get the utility in overly broad tags like fashion.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

BUR #27640 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update pool:22695 -> y2k_(fashion)
nuke pool:22695

This isn't anything worth being its own pool. It's all stuff that can go under fashion. Not to mention, to my knowledge at least, we don't tag by fashion decades. And even if the concept is worthwhile (which I really don't think it is honestly), it should be a tag and not a pool.

Y2K is a fashion style inspired by 2000s fashion, not 2000s fashion itself really. If we specialize it to just that and exclude anything we already have tags for like gyaru I think it would be a perfectly fine tag. I actually thought about making it myself before.

Heartcatcher said:

I made this pool, I wasn't sure about making a tag or a pool so ended up going with a pool because I wasn't sure if making a whole tag was acceptable and was nervous. Apologies, I'm brand new here. Is there a way to turn it into a favgroup?

You live, you learn. There really isn't any good way to my knowledge beyond painstakingly going through all them and adding them to a favgroup. Fortunately, BURs usually take a while to be approved (assuming it goes through at all), so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Fashion is very broad, though, so it doesn't exactly make finding things you want to see easy. Also, is there a reason to finding something like this not worthwhile? I don't really get the utility in overly broad tags like fashion.

You have my sympathies. I am not someone too familiar with these kinds of fashion styles (not to mention there isn't a precedent for tagging fashion types by decade), but to what I know...What exactly makes something Y2K fashion compared to just regular fashion or any other subset? Fashion subset tags like lolita fashion or streetwear have something distinct about them that makes them easily recognizable as such. And I'm just not seeing anything in here that can't be covered by regular fashion, the tag for clothes more akin to irl fashion as opposed to anime fashion.

I am open to having my mind changed, however. The pool would still need to be nuked, but if it can be converted into a tag, that'd be great.

Edit: wispydreamer replied at the same time as me explaining some things like it's not actually a decade of fashion history. Apologies for my misunderstanding.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

You live, you learn. There really isn't any good way to my knowledge beyond painstakingly going through all them and adding them to a favgroup. Fortunately, BURs usually take a while to be approved (assuming it goes through at all), so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

You have my sympathies. I am not someone too familiar with these kinds of fashion styles (not to mention there isn't a precedent for tagging fashion types by decade), but to what I know...What exactly makes something Y2K fashion compared to just regular fashion or any other subset? Fashion subset tags like lolita fashion or streetwear have something distinct about them that makes them easily recognizable as such. And I'm just not seeing anything in here that can't be covered by regular fashion, the tag for clothes more akin to irl fashion as opposed to anime fashion.

I am open to having my mind changed, however. The pool would still need to be nuked, but if it can be converted into a tag, that'd be great.

Edit: wispydreamer replied at the same time as me explaining it's not actually a decade of fashion history. Apologies for my confusion.

Right now I actually think the pool is too broad to be perfectly converted to a tag but things like post #7571947, post #7465437 and post #6910384 are clearly intended to invoke the modern style. I'm terrible at describing fashion but a girly version of streetwear with pastel or bright colors and some retrofuturistic aesthetics is how I would describe it. Other posts in this style that aren't in the pool I found are post #7498247, post #7279339 and post #6996684

Edit: I should note that there is also a male counterpart to Y2K, which you can see in post #7465437 but I'm useless when it comes to men's fashion so I don't know much about it.

wispydreamer said:

Right now I actually think the pool is too broad to be perfectly converted to a tag but things like post #7571947, post #7465437 and post #6910384 are clearly intended to invoke the modern style. I'm terrible at describing fashion but a girly version of streetwear with pastel or bright colors and some retrofuturistic aesthetics is how I would describe it. Other posts in this style that aren't in the pool I found are post #7498247, post #7279339 and post #6996684

Edit: I should note that there is also a male counterpart to Y2K, which you can see in post #7465437 but I'm useless when it comes to men's fashion so I don't know much about it.

Yeah, I'm realizing that now. My brain was foggy this morning, and I was a little too excited about the idea of collecting up posts, some of these definitely shouldn't be here. Also I just realized apparently y2k_(fashion) is a tag, though it has 7 posts so that's probably why I missed it. Yeah, pool can be nuked. I'm just gonna add the tag to the posts that are obviously going for the style, and I'll probably work on a wiki page to get a more concrete definition going later.

Heartcatcher said:

Yeah, I'm realizing that now. My brain was foggy this morning, and I was a little too excited about the idea of collecting up posts, some of these definitely shouldn't be here. Also I just realized apparently y2k_(fashion) is a tag, though it has 7 posts so that's probably why I missed it. Yeah, pool can be nuked. I'm collecting the posts into a favgroup to figure out a bit more.

I'm glad you're so eager to contribute! Danbooru is a very tricky site to learn. Nobody gets everything right their first time. If you ever need advice with something you can always make a post in the forums or message a Builder. We don't bite! :SagaYay:

With that being said... could Knowledge edit her BUR so it moves everything to the y2k (fashion) tag instead?

That tag should probably be renamed to y2k fashion to better fit our naming conventions, but I think for now it seems the best solution would be to put the genuine examples either in a favgroup or into that tag (the latter seems to probably be the better option at the moment), nuke the pool, and then rename the tag and convert to a proper fashion tag. I don't think I entirely get it to be perfectly honest, but I'm also not the sort of person who'd want to see this sort of thing. I like to think of fashion subsets as "something you know is that just by studying it" when aware of the fashion style. If the same can be said for y2k fashion and the people who enjoy it, then I have no issue with converting it to a tag upon further analysis.

A concrete definition for those unfamiliar with the concept would be great.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

That tag should probably be renamed to y2k fashion to better fit our naming conventions, but I think for now it seems the best solution would be to put the genuine examples either in a favgroup or into that tag (the latter seems to probably be the better option at the moment), nuke the pool, and then rename the tag and convert to a proper fashion tag. I don't think I entirely get it to be perfectly honest, but I'm also not the sort of person who'd want to see this sort of thing. I like to think of fashion subsets as "something you know is that just by studying it" when aware of the fashion style. If the same can be said for y2k fashion and the people who enjoy it, then I have no issue with converting it to a tag upon further analysis.

A concrete definition for those unfamiliar with the concept would be great.

I wrote some notes out earlier for a reply and then wispy replied first, I can use those notes + wispy's reply to at least set up a starter wiki. Your course of action sounds good to me.

So many of these posts are newjeans... The style seems to be popular in K-Pop right now, haha

I took too long replying and just saw Sabi's post lol. BUR edited. Just garden the ones that don't fit out (if applicable) and this should be all clear. This mass update should move anything in the pool over to the tag now that it's directed there. You don't even have to add the tag to anything now!

As for the tag, that can be aliased in its own thread. But let's wait for this BUR to go through first before renaming. Thank you for showing me the error of my original way of thinking.