BUR #25665 has been rejected.
mass update general-purpose_machine_gun -> machine_gun -general-purpose_machine_gun
I changed my stance regarding overly-specific umbrella tags like this. (related to previous topic #25055)
Now I consider this tag is not that helpful at all for searching. What we get from general-purpose machine gun is basically generic-looking design of modern belt-fed machine guns, which at glance each GPMGs look similar to light machine guns (LMG). The only technical difference is the caliber (full-power vs. intermediate rifle cartridge).
Furthermore, early MGs chambered in this same class of ammo like the Maxim gun does not fall into GPMG category due to its heavy weight and large size. Wikipedia technically classify both early bulky designs and modern portable full-power ones as the medium machine gun (does not worth becoming a tag here).
Moreover, early man-portable LMGs like the Bren or M1918 BAR use the full-power ammo as well.
Bumped for approval.