
ALIAS parted hair -> parted bangs

Posted under Tags

BUR #27106 has been rejected.

create alias parted_hair -> parted_bangs

Parted_hair is a redundant tag.

Parted Hair wiki states:

"Hair with a noticeable part, usually on the top of the head seen from above or from behind. Not to be confused with parted bangs."

Parted Bangs wiki states:

"Distinctly parted bangs."

And at the bottom of the page:

See also:

  • parted hair (no bangs)

But the Parted Hair wiki uses an example image of a character with bangs, so the two wikis contradict each other.

While the tag does need to be cleaned up, as caps7 says the tags aren't the same thing and parted hair is in reference to the division of hair atop the head. It can be a full parting with the scalp showing or simply the crease along the hair that indicates where the hair is divided between which direction it is going.

From behind: post #7127740, post #6893800
From above: post #5825847, post #6986650, post #5630843

Examples of part bangs without parted hair:
post #5683607, post #7548721.