
Deprecate polaroid

Posted under Tags

BUR #25414 has been rejected.

deprecate polaroid

This tag is used for at least three different things that should probably be their own tags: drawings that are made to look like polaroid pictures, polaroid pictures present in a drawing as objects, and Polaroid brand cameras.

I'm not sure if it's necessary to have separate tags for the camera and the photos when present in the drawing, but it certainly would make sense to distinguish artwork composed like a polaroid photo from the objects.

There's a lot of overlap between "drawings made to look like polaroid pictures" and "polaroid pictures present in a drawing as objects" e.g. post #7414831 or post #7112102
I believe the distinction you're thinking of is "posts where the main focus is a polaroid photo" and "posts where a polaroid photo is present, but isn't the main focus" but that's hard to tag for.

Also, I think we need to decide on alternative tags before deprecating.

やっかいな人でごめん said:
This tag is used for at least three different things that should probably be their own tags: drawings that are made to look like polaroid pictures...

gfz said:
There's a lot of overlap between "drawings made to look like polaroid pictures"...

For a drawn image that is entirely, purposefully resemble a photo (including polaroid) while it is not - turns out we do have a severely-underused faux photograph.
Something like post #3442337, post #5700610, post #6608960 or post #7475070.

I did a quick garden of the polaroid posts so now we have the following:

There are edge cases for the first two like post #7660925 (faux photograph but has some very minimal surrounding space) and post #6589752 (photo (object) the focus of the work but the only thing present) - in these cases I tagged both faux photograph and photo (object)
