
RFC re: armband, armlet and other armwear tags

Posted under Tags

BUR #26186 has been rejected.

create alias gold_armlet -> armlet
mass update studded_armlet -armlet -> armlet

armband - 48k posts

A piece of cloth worn around the arm over the sleeve (emphasis added) of other clothing to mark the wearer as belonging to group, having a certain rank or role, or being in a particular state or condition. It is also used just for fashion.

The requirement that the armband is over a sleeve is not intuitive and widely disregarded. The wiki text seems to be describing not an armband in general, but a specific kind of armband: one being used to denote club membership in a school or quasi-school setting, or an analogous affiliation within a larger organization. This specific case is very common in Japanese media, but not universal. It also has some additional traits: they invariably have text or insignia on them and are often significantly wider than their wearers' arms, such that they seem to defy gravity or have a safety pin holding them up. Logically, the specific case ought to be migrated to a more specific tag underneath the more general armband tag, but given the number of tagged posts I don't expect this to happen anytime soon.

armlet - 35k posts

A decorative band, usually made of precious metal and may feature precious gems, that is worn for ornament around the upper arm.

This tag is straightforward, but there a number of tags named *_armlet that are questionable, and none of them imply armlet.

  • gold armlet (96 posts) - Gold or golden is an extremely common color for an armlet to be; I'd bet at least 10k if not a majority of instances of the tag are for golden armlets. Given that less than a hundred posts are tagged gold armlet, there doesn't seem to be much value in preserving it, so I suggest aliasing it to armlet.
  • studded armlet (89 posts) - Might merit an implication to armlet, in line with spiked armlet
  • fur armlet (97 posts), flower armlet (25 posts), pearl armlet (10 posts), heart armlet (1 post) - Whether these should be considered armlets is up for debate. I'm leaning yes for pearl armlet and no for the others

arm cuffs - 1126 posts
This tag has no wiki, and no clear consensus definition. Appears to be mix of wrist cuffs and arm garter, where the tagger did not know that those tags exist. Needs to be cleaned up.

arm garter - 8391 posts

An elastic band worn around the upper arm. Originally, this was to allow for adjusting a sleeves length to better fit the wearer, or to hold up very long gloves that have a loose fit around the arm, but they have since become a decorative band on their own.

On Danbooru, arm garters are worn like an armband, and are not used to hold up a sleeve. If they're worn over sleeves, then use the sleeve garter tag.

arm scrunchie - 412 posts

A scrunchie that's worn like an armlet on the upper arm. Not to be confused with an arm garter

The wiki for arm scrunchie admonishes us to not confuse it with arm garter, but does not elaborate on what distinguishes the two. In truth, no distinguishing traits are apparent. I think these should be merged.

arm belt - 5507 posts

A belt worn around the arm.

Seems to be a widespread case of cannon tagging. In many cases where it is applied (e.g. post #7550011) it appears as a solid band, with no visible buckle or anything else to distinguish from an armband.