post #9000000 GET!

Artist tagging help

Posted under General

Samsara_Kama said:

The alias could be reversed to dao_(xinjinjumin), but their Twitter screenname is 手足. How can 手足 be romanized and is Lofter or Twitter preferable in this case?

EDIT: aelouses
They use Cheeseball on Twitter, but eh I'd prefer to romanize 芝士芋圆球. If someone could also help to find their Xiaohongshu account, that'd be great!

EDIT2: weibo_5317743418

For kojimarie, I prefer Xiao_dao (小岛, also pronounced Kojima in Japanese) because of the signature in this post:

For aelouses, the romanization is Zhishi_Yuyuanqiu. Their Xiaohongshu account has been added.

For weibo_5317743418, the actual name is Mingye (茗也). Their Pixiv account has been added.

c_spl said: (has post #7481729)

idk how to name. language is chinese I believe.

菜菜: Caicai

Not sure if this is the right thread, but I ended up finding this duplicate that's clearly from the twitter of a banned artist...but the twitter in question isn't on their page, so I'm not getting a banned artist notice and I can't decipher who the twitter belongs to. So can an approver or above add the link to the correct artist page so I get the banned artist notice just in case I encounter any from that artist that aren't duplicates and accidentally upload them unbanned? Thank you.

azure50 said:

I notice today that fumihiko (fu mihi ko) wiki page has been clear and auto assign during upload has changed for fumihiko (which has the correct wiki page).
So I double tag my new post #7519547 to keep it in the right page :/

Does any one have an idea of why this reset and how to fix it ?

(The simple fumihiko seem legit)

The artist entry was manually renamed by an user days ago and you were the first to notice, it's fixed now. On topic, they don't use that handle in the qualifier anymore, a new alias could be requested later.

Samsara_Kama said:

The artist entry was manually renamed by an user days ago and you were the first to notice, it's fixed now. On topic, they don't use that handle in the qualifier anymore, a new alias could be requested later.


Most of my uploads are from existing artists and non-web sources, so I don't have much experience making new artist tags yet.

For sigvrit, I used the name on the carrd website since it seems to be the most prominent one on the Pixiv profile, though other sites use the spelling "Siegvrit" instead. Should the name be changed to the latter since it's more common, or is it fine as is?


Blank_User said:

Most of my uploads are from existing artists and non-web sources, so I don't have much experience making new artist tags yet.

For sigvrit, I used the name on the carrd website since it seems to be the most prominent one on the Pixiv profile, though other sites use the spelling "Siegvrit" instead. Should the name be changed to the latter since it's more common, or is it fine as is?

You coud've named it something like sieg_(sigvrit), but at least I think it's fine as it is.
EDIT: Because they aren't consistent with names, usernames and signatures, but their latest posts were signed as sigvrit.


Samsara_Kama said:

笋記量販. I want to fix the alias, but I prefer to use the Twitter/Weibo name + the Twitter handle if necessary instead of the Pixiv name + stacc.

EDIT: Need help finding the Xiaohongshu accounts of the artists of post #7524425 and post #7523982.

Their 小红书号 are woshiaxx and 458678627 respectively. Look for someone with a Xiaohongshu account to help.

aa220525 said:

Their 小红书号 are woshiaxx and 458678627 respectively. Look for someone with a Xiaohongshu account to help.

I know, sorry, I should've mentioned that. I posted here because my searches didn't yield results and I don't know anyone with a Xiaohongshu account.

Samsara_Kama said:

笋記量販. I want to fix the alias, but I prefer to use the Twitter/Weibo name + the Twitter handle if necessary instead of the Pixiv name + stacc.

EDIT: Need help finding the Xiaohongshu accounts of the artists of post #7524425 and post #7523982.

For takenokoqvq, I think “笋” is her actual name. It is pronounced “Sun” in Chinese and “Takenoko” (Pixiv name) in Japanese. “笋記量販” (Sunji Liangfan) means “Sun/Takenoko’s hypermarket”.

Xiaohongshu accounts of two artists have been added.

Tried to create an entry for this artist. Was about to name it aruru because that's the name in the twitter banner however aruru is already aliased to aruruu (which is an existing character).

Was thinking of using aruru_dragon as the artist name but it might also be the name of her own vtuber persona. aruru_(artist) and aururu_dragon_(vtuber) maybe?


Smellydung said:

Tried to create an entry for this artist.

This is not an artist's page and should not be used to identify him. It is acceptable to mention the author of the design (illustrator) in the character description when creating a character wiki page.

If I understand correctly, there is only a name, without links to pages.
