
"gedachtnis" vs. "gеdachtnis"

Posted under General

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A simple interest in correcting a spelling error in the drossel_von_flugel wiki entry has led me to discover something a bit bewildering.

gedachtnis is not a tag in use. This is the result I get when I type the name directly into the search box. Furthermore, this is the one I get if I click on the "See also: gedachtnis" link from the drossel_von_flugel wiki entry.
gеdachtnis, however, IS a tag in use. I can only get to this one by following established links or copy-pasting it from an established source, if that makes any sense.

A little investigation via Google reveals that the latter of the two ONLY gets results that are related to Danbooru or other such image repositories.

As a final blow to the head, the former of the two is treated as an unknown word by Firefox's built-in spell-check, while the latter of the two goes unnoticed.

... What is going on here? I realize that I could simply go through and replace all the "gеdachtnis" tags with "gedachtnis," but I figure that this interesting little oddity might possibly be worth looking into.

Updated by jxh2154

... Upon further investigation, it looks like the latter of the two uses the Cryllic "е" while the former uses the Latin "e" we all know and love.

Kind of anticlimactic.
I had kind of hoped that there would be some larger implication, really.
I guess that I'll just... go and change those tags now, as there's really no reason to use the Cryllic over the Latin when it impedes potential search efforts.


This thread really messed with my brain, until I figured out what you just explained in your second post.

Sahaquiel said:
I guess that I'll just... go and change those tags now, as there's really no reason to use the Cryllic over the Latin when it impedes potential search efforts.


We probably don't need people posting this sort of exploit openly on the forums, so I've deleted the posts and will lock the thread. If you think something is a security issue, alert albert.

It's pretty off topic anyway and the initial question answered itself.