A simple interest in correcting a spelling error in the drossel_von_flugel wiki entry has led me to discover something a bit bewildering.
gedachtnis is not a tag in use. This is the result I get when I type the name directly into the search box. Furthermore, this is the one I get if I click on the "See also: gedachtnis" link from the drossel_von_flugel wiki entry.
gеdachtnis, however, IS a tag in use. I can only get to this one by following established links or copy-pasting it from an established source, if that makes any sense.
A little investigation via Google reveals that the latter of the two ONLY gets results that are related to Danbooru or other such image repositories.
As a final blow to the head, the former of the two is treated as an unknown word by Firefox's built-in spell-check, while the latter of the two goes unnoticed.
... What is going on here? I realize that I could simply go through and replace all the "gеdachtnis" tags with "gedachtnis," but I figure that this interesting little oddity might possibly be worth looking into.
Updated by jxh2154