post #9000000 GET!

The Vtuber Alternate Costume Tagging Proposal

Posted under Tags

Damian0358 said:

With this recent set of approvals, not counting the currently pending Indonesian costumes, we are now officially in the final stretch! According to the List™, we have the following costumes left (divided per their sections in the list; casual, dress, other)...

We'll finally be out of the Hololive trenches once we figure out qualifiers for these (whether by ourselves, or thanks to COVER due to merch names).

We have less than 20 Hololive costumes left! We can just barely see the incoming rainbow on the horizon, so let's try and think of something for what's left.





Starting with the Casuals and other, I resorted them based on similarities. The first group are the ones who lean towards casual most, though some have their own peculiarities (ex. Kanata's loungewear). The second group I'd call the streetwear-likes, since they sort of look like they'd fit under that label. The third group are more specifically themed as opposed to broadly, so they might be the easiest to name out of this bunch (though Risu's costume can easily make its 'witchy' elements disappear). And the final group are the tracksuits; the former's wiki refers to it as her 'off-work' costume, and given how we have work qualifiers, a parallel off-work might work here.


And then we have the remaining Dresses, and of all of these, we only really have naming potential for Suisei's, since it has already been dubbed her 'oriental suit'. The remainder are awkward since everyone has at least one 'dress' costume, whether it be by default or alt, with the exception of Lui (though she has her own awkwardness with the fantasy elements).


BUR #25408 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication sayu_okami -> sayu_sincronisity
create implication sayu_sincronisity_(1st_costume) -> sayu_sincronisity

Sayu Okami is an older name for Sayu Sincronisity (same channels). Both were tagged under the latter. The old name had a distinct design so should have a costume tag. The tag I called "1st costume" is the first one she used as Sayu Sincronisity. I thought this would be in line with how some Hololivers have "old designs" that aren't included in costume numbering.

post #7327513 is likely a future new outfit but AFAIK hasn't been officially confirmed.

I also manually moved 3 two-year-old posts from the wikiless sayu_(vtuber) tag. That doesn't need to be aliased, does it?

Super_Affection said:

BUR #25408 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication sayu_okami -> sayu_sincronisity
create implication sayu_sincronisity_(1st_costume) -> sayu_sincronisity

Sayu Okami is an older name for Sayu Sincronisity (same channels). Both were tagged under the latter. The old name had a distinct design so should have a costume tag. The tag I called "1st costume" is the first one she used as Sayu Sincronisity. I thought this would be in line with how some Hololivers have "old designs" that aren't included in costume numbering.

Personally I would alias "Sayu Okami" as "Sayu Sincronisity (old design)"

Super_Affection said:

I also manually moved 3 two-year-old posts from the wikiless sayu_(vtuber) tag. That doesn't need to be aliased, does it?

Nah, it's fine to leave that unaliased. In fact, now it can be reused for any VTuber who for some reason only calls themself Sayu (you would be shocked by the amount of one-name VTubers out there).

BUR #25604 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create implication maimoto_keisuke_(1st_costume) -> maimoto_keisuke
create implication maimoto_keisuke_(2nd_costume) -> maimoto_keisuke
create implication maimoto_keisuke_(4th_costume) -> maimoto_keisuke
create implication sasaki_saku_(1st_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(2nd_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(3rd_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(4th_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(5th_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(6th_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(7th_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(8th_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(9th_costume) -> sasaki_saku
create implication sasaki_saku_(valkyrie_hero) -> sasaki_saku
create implication takamiya_rion_(1st_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(2nd_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(3rd_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(4th_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(5th_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(6th_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(7th_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(8th_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication takamiya_rion_(9th_costume) -> takamiya_rion
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(1st_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(2nd_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(3rd_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(4th_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(5th_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(6th_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(7th_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki
create implication hakase_fuyuki_(8th_costume) -> hakase_fuyuki

Adding implications for Nijisanji talents Maimoto Keisuke, Sasaki Saku, Takamiya Rion, and Hakase Fuyuki.

BUR #25778 has been rejected.

create alias souchou -> kson_(souchou)
create alias daikou-chan -> kson_(daikou-chan)

I believe this tag should be changed to be qualified variant of Kson, as design/character that debuted with the Souchou outfit is the same character that appears in all of Kson's later vtuber outfits. Contrast this to Daikou-chan, which is essentially a separate character.

EDIT: added Daikou-chan as suggested by Damian


Damian0358 said:

I think if we qualify Souchou we should do the same with Daikou-chan, because even if it is essentially a separate character, it was her until she debuted Souchou.

I agree with this, although if this happens, should we fix some of Souchou's outfits (ie her Cyberpunk bikini and others)?

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