
Unitards Are Bodysuits

Posted under Tags

BUR #25441 has been rejected.

create implication unitard -> bodysuit
create alias black_unitard -> black_bodysuit
create alias blue_unitard -> blue_bodysuit
create alias white_unitard -> white_bodysuit
create alias torn_unitard -> torn_bodysuit
create alias two-tone_unitard -> two-tone_bodysuit
create alias green_unitard -> green_bodysuit
create alias ribbed_unitard -> ribbed_bodysuit
create alias pink_unitard -> pink_bodysuit
create alias yellow_unitard -> yellow_bodysuit
create alias aqua_unitard -> aqua_bodysuit

In non-danbooru terms, a unitard is a type of skin-tight bodysuit worn by athletes and gymnasts.
Looking at the posts in unitard, there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus used by taggers (I edited the wiki slightly to add examples.)
I suggest treating unitard as a subset of bodysuit, like catsuit and pilot suit.


A unitard is a skintight, one-piece garment with long legs and sometimes long sleeves, usually stopping at the wrists and ankles.
The term unitard is mostly used in relation to sports, while it is usually referred to as a catsuit in other contexts.

That said, Wikipedia describes bodysuits as leotard/onesie-like garments that only cover the torso, and in fact features a picture in the "bodysuit" article whose caption explicitly states that unitards are not bodysuits (for a reason unrelated to how skintight they are). So, assuming we don't want to change our longstanding definition of bodysuit, at some point we'll be willfully ignoring what Wikipedia has to say about these garments. We just don't have to ignore them in arbitrary and unnecessary ways.

7HS said:


That said, Wikipedia describes bodysuits as leotard/onesie-like garments that only cover the torso, and in fact features a picture in the "bodysuit" article whose caption explicitly states that unitards are not bodysuits (for a reason unrelated to how skintight they are). So, assuming we don't want to change our longstanding definition of bodysuit, at some point we'll be willfully ignoring what Wikipedia has to say about these garments. We just don't have to ignore them in arbitrary and unnecessary ways.

That's because the term bodysuit can refer to two completely separate attire.


1: a close-fitting one-piece garment for the torso often with sleeves
2: a usually close-fitting one-piece garment that covers most or all of the body

Our definition follows Merriam-Webster's second meaning of the term.

Given this, it should be reconsidered implicating unitard to bodysuit given how overly broad in usage the unitard tag is that implicating it will only erode the boundary between bodysuit and leotard. Currently unitard has images such as post #6889673 which clearly matches an example in the bodysuit wiki stating should not be under the bodysuit tag. You also have images like post #756160 and post #1474371 which imo wouldn't be what people looking for bodysuit should be finding.
