岩戸鈴芽 said:
symbol-only commentary implies commentary, so this is not true.
I apologize for paraphrasing. The commentary wiki says:
The commentary wiki:
For use on posts where the artist commentary is understandable by the average English speaker.
As-is, post #2132865 is a hashtag-only commentary but it isn't a good candidate for the commentary tag until after it gets translated.
岩戸鈴芽 said:
This tag also isn't meant for granular "what does the commentary say" tagging, one of its big uses would be filtering out, well, hashtag-only commentary posts from a commentary search.
I don't see how it would be effective for that when a hashtag-only commentary can be something simple, like a character name or copyright name, but it can also be any commentary with a pound sign at the beginning like post #2132865 or post #2624744. Sometimes it'll filter out a commentary too.