
Unlink Twitter Strip Game from meme tag

Posted under Tags

It's still a meme, both in the common sense and in how we define meme:

A meme is a concept of any sorts (image, video, song, etc.) that spreads from person to person (through the Internet, popular culture, etc.) within a culture, to the point that it becomes part of that culture

岩戸鈴芽 said:

It's still a meme, both in the common sense and in how we define meme:

the academic definition of meme is pointless and overly broad and we should change our definition to be more like how memes are actually talked about in real life

Don't see how it stopped being a meme, and KYM still classifies it as one. Aren't all strip games horny bait? The meme still applies whether the artist properly follows through with stripping the character.

Can you link some posts (or public favgroup) of the ones that are actual memes, and the ones that aren't? I don't really see any difference between the old and the new, other than that artists dropped unnecessary graphic design, layout, and words.

I understand your annoyance with the posts that just have numbers beside reposts and likes with no promise of what reaching the numbers entails, though. But the entire meme is already scummy engagement bait; it's just a different level of scummy.


LQ said:

Can you link some posts (or public favgroup) of the ones that are actual memes, and the ones that aren't? I don't really see any difference between the old and the new, other than that artists dropped unnecessary graphic design, layout, and words.

post #7163901 and its parented posts as well

They poke fun at the trend and instead of being horny bait, which could quality it as a meme post

What I don't understand is the "it used to be a meme" argument. The original set of images that spawned the trend seems to just be a regular strip game, no memery involved (by the standards of the argument). Is the implication here that it didn't spawn as a meme, became a meme, and then reverted back to it's original form?

@mmtr said:

They poke fun at the trend and instead of being horny bait, which could quality it as a meme post

Though Internet memes are usually humorous, they are just any media that is copied then evolved/changed/remixed/adapted somewhat. In this case, the template is copied but the art is redone or the character/pose/clothing is changed. There are still many memes, poses, and challenges without a meme qualifier, though, so I can understand the confusion. Memes can't lose meme status, so the tag should stay as-is.

岩戸鈴芽 said:

It's still a meme, both in the common sense and in how we define meme:

A meme is a concept of any sorts (image, video, song, etc.) that spreads from person to person (through the Internet, popular culture, etc.) within a culture, to the point that it becomes part of that culture

Literally every concept ever is a 100% meme by that definition.

I like the _(meme) qualifier in the sense of "recent concept".

edit: no, I change my mind, I don't like _(meme) qualifier in the sense of "recent concept". Particularly, I think twitter_strip_game might be just a regular concept, and not a meme concept
