
About "kamishirasawa keine (hakutaku)" tag

Posted under General

I have some doubts about the tag kamishirasawa keine (hakutaku), and I would like if someone could clarify them, I don't want to jump to conclusions.

This tag says "This tag is for posts where she fully transforms into one." but when looking at the images, there are two groups, there are several images where Keine is transformed into a sukusuku hakutaku, but... there's already a tag for that and more popular, sukusuku hakutaku.

The other group of images are of Keine seen with her appearance in Touhou 8, extra stage, and I say, it makes sense, she's transformed, but... there's already a tag for that, and much more popular, ex-keine.

And I ask myself, there's already an older and popular tag if Keine is seen with her appearance from Touhou 8 extra stage (ex-keine) and there's already a tag if Keine is a sukusuku hakutaku. What purpose does the tag kamishirasawa keine (hakutaku) serve then?

Is it for something else? Is it a redundant tag? Is there something I'm not understanding?

Tags count
ex-keine 4.2k
sukusuku hakutaku 837
kamishirasawa keine (hakutaku) 268