Posted under General
VR-Man said:
I don't know how accurate is this as it was written by some random user and I know nothing about the copyright.
It's accurate. It just needed some tag links.
Any Kamen Rider fans want to make a wiki for this, and is the name good? I wouldn't even know this is related to Kamen Rider by name alone, it sounds like a sub-type of dragon without the tagged images.
Robot girl
Is this supposed to be 1girl humanoid_robot or 1girl android?
Sessyoin_Kiara said:
Robot girl
Is this supposed to be 1girl humanoid_robot or 1girl android?
The tag history suggests it has always existed as a dumping ground for both, and mecha_musume as well. It just filled up faster than it got cleaned out.
Sessyoin_Kiara said:
Robot girl
Is this supposed to be 1girl humanoid_robot or 1girl android?
This has been brought up a few times in dedicated threads around robot tagging and never truly sorted out, see forum #227005 for the most recent discussion on it
Requesting a wiki for supercell because people are using it to post Brawl Stars art under it and I'm pretty sure that tag is for the band.
What the hell are hair vines supposed to be?
Maiden_in_Orange said:
What the hell are hair vines supposed to be?
It's currently used for at least two types of depictions. Hair adorned with vines (ex: post #6451332, post #4928789) and vines as hair (ex: post #6762723).
Huh. I suspect a tag split is in order then. But which would stay as hair vines? I'm leaning towards the first one as the tag definition, but what of the second?
Do we have an actual definition for this tag in mind? Because right now it is a mishmash of characters with hands on scarves.
Maiden_in_Orange said:
Huh. I suspect a tag split is in order then. But which would stay as hair vines? I'm leaning towards the first one as the tag definition, but what of the second?
This reminds me of snake hair, so I would suggest vine hair.
Needs help from someone who can identify thai clothes properly (assuming we have tags for them that is).
half-heart hands - relationship with heart hands failure?
The tag earpiece wiki definition states a microphone shouldn't be a part of it. Yet there are possibly thousands of posts containing a microphone as part of it.
Should the tag be cleaned up so it strictly follows the examples given in the wiki? The earphone+mic combo could be manually retagged as headset. Or should the tag definition be changed so microphones can be included?
Smellydung said:
The tag earpiece wiki definition states a microphone shouldn't be a part of it. Yet there are possibly thousands of posts containing a microphone as part of it.
Should the tag be cleaned up so it strictly follows the examples given in the wiki? The earphone+mic combo could be manually retagged as headset. Or should the tag definition be changed so microphones can be included?
Given that it was evazion that changed the wiki it's very likely it should be cleaned up.