
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Noboriage said:

post #7294835 was not approved. I'll appeal it since I think it looks good and fits with many of the art the artist has up already on the site.

I uploaded post #7294864 at nearly the same time. It got approved. I know you cant compare images one to one but if the same approvers looked at both images, what is lacking in the one that was not approved versus the one that was approved? Artist that drew them is well regarded, the anatomy seems fine. Was my tagging or translation a bit funny?

I'm not an approver, but the anatomy actually looks much better in post #7294864 than in post #7294835.
I wouldn't say the latter is terrible, but it is definitely wonky along with the perspective so i wouldn't say it is of equal quality with the other

Mayhem-Chan said:

I'm not an approver, but the anatomy actually looks much better in post #7294864 than in post #7294835.
I wouldn't say the latter is terrible, but it is definitely wonky along with the perspective so i wouldn't say it is of equal quality with the other

Fair I suppose. But it seems way too subjective to say the unapproved art is that bad it gets deletion. Camera angle is supposed to emphasis the butt and that's thr characters in game squat. I think I've had art with bigger anatomical issues get approved. Its kind of like schrodingers cat, im actually super hesitant to upload much at the moment because *every* piece of art has an issue it can be flagged for.

Noboriage said:

Fair I suppose. But it seems way too subjective to say the unapproved art is that bad it gets deletion. Camera angle is supposed to emphasis the butt and that's thr characters in game squat. I think I've had art with bigger anatomical issues get approved.

I wasn't trying to say whether it deserved deletion or not, just pointing out how one looks better than the other, significantly enough that an approver might understandably choose to approve the former while holding off on the latter.
Also yes the angle is meant to emphasize the ass but it still could've been done better and without messing up the proportions, there's also the placement of the head which just looks off. post #7294864 meanwhile doesn't have such a tricky angle so the artist made fewer mistakes.

Also i forgot to say it in my first response but a translation having room for improvement isn't a factor in the approval process, translation notes can always be updated and improved later by users

post #7300677 was unapproved. It is official art, a high resolution scan from an artbook from an artist that has 100s of illustrations similar to this one. I looking up sourcing rules from exhentai/ehentai and it looks like I did that correctly.

I'm going to appeal this but is there a legit reason this one was just deleted?

I would appreciate a little feedback on why post #7301365 was deleted.
Ten approvers saw it, but none gave any reason for not liking it. It only says "disinterest" which for me it's not a good reason to delete an image.

Same with the post #6803970, even after it got appealed, it was rejected without anyone giving a reason. It's a little frustrating.

I think when a user upload some art here, most of them thinks that the image meets the quality standards that the site requires.
But it's difficult to know what are those quality standards if it's not given any feedback to the uploader.
Look at the post #7300200.
With all respect to the artist, i think this is a low quality post. What quality standard makes this post getting approved but the other two
that i mentioned early don't?

PS: Sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker, and sorry for my little rant here.


Sessyoin_Kiara said:

I approved it because I mentioned the source months ago and it got replaced shortly after and weird fetish aside, I don't see a prominent problem with it. It did go through the queue three times though, it could get deleted again with a good reason.
