BUR #23870 has been rejected.
deprecate rebel
rename rebel_alliance -> rebel_alliance_(star_wars)
rename rebel_pilot -> rebel_pilot_(star_wars)
rename rebellion_army_flag -> rebellion_army_flag_(metal_slug)
These "rebel" tags are somewhat ambiguous due to the generic meaning of the word "rebel" itself.
The first tag, a very small tag simply called "rebel" consists of a random assortments of a literal rebel (i.e. person fighting against the government), a goth (i.e. cultural rebel), or simply an act of defiance. Given how vague it is, I think this can be easily deprecated.
The others are Rebel Alliance from Star Wars and related tag Rebel pilot, which is more well-known, but given how ambiguous this is (especially since Metal Slug has a faction called "Rebellion Army" and their lesser members were simply called a "Rebel soldier" or similar wording), I think these should need a qualifier to disambiguate them.
Finally, there's the Rebellion Army flag, which while it is sparsely populated at the moment, is actually having tons of untagged posts due to Warship Girls R and Azur Lane borrowed the design of the flag to replace their Swastika on German shipgirls. This tag needed qualification to clarify that it is the flag of the Rebel from Metal Slug, not Star Wars, and would probably needed quite a lot of work to populate it with more posts.