I recently uploaded post #7274093, using this image link:
I got this link using inspect element at first, and then later got it confirmed with DLPanda. So I assumed, even though there's some stuff to suggest it's not the best quality that exists, it probably is safe to assume it's the best quality that we would be able to access. Except... I later tried the same post link with TikVideo instead, and got this:
https://p26-sign.douyinpic.com/tos-cn-i-0813/osMQBARoD8A5RhAAg7SnGkYZnNfAfTJMpBDbEe~tplv-dy-kuchen-v1:1440:1440:q80.jpeg?x-expires=1711810800&x-signature=FHFOyVyPGykuaJdLwncfROaDd8Q%3D&from=3213915784&s=PackSourceEnum_AWEME_DETAIL&se=false&sc=image&biz_tag=aweme_images&l=2024022923120412426D1F84DCB03148DF (media asset)
Now *that* link has q80 instead of q75, and it even is visually better. So, that begs the question - does anyone know if it's possible to get the absolute best quality?
I am especially hopeful given Douyin uses a similar format to Banciyuan (BCY), which does have a way to do that (and also they're both under one parent company, ByteDance).
(Now, I know that since I got a higher quality image I should request a replacement, but I'd prefer to wait until it's clear whether or not it is the best quality us mere mortals can access)