BUR #23768 has been rejected.
create implication ibaraki_douji's_arm -> ibaraki_kasen
create implication ibaraki_douji_(touhou) -> ibaraki_kasen
While Ibaraki Douji’s Arm is technically a separate entity from Kasen, she still looks nearly identical to Kasen, especially when Kasen’s hair buns are removed, and she is a physical manifestation of both Kasen’s arm and the malevolent traits of her personality. Meaning she is part of Kasen.
Ibaraki Douji (Touhou) is literally Kasen’s true form. It’s what she was before her arm was removed and it’s the form she reassumes after regaining her arm. I can understand Ibaraki Douji’s Arm technically counting as a separate character, but it makes no sense for Ibaraki Douji to not imply Kasen since it literally is her physically.
I feel like these tags lacking implications creates unnecessary confusion.