
Disambiguate test & exam

Posted under Tags

BUR #21815 has been rejected.

create alias test -> exam
remove alias test -> exam
deprecate test
create alias test_(academic) -> exam
rename examination -> examination_(medical)
deprecate examination
create alias examination_(academic) -> exam
create alias test_score_(paper) -> examination_paper
create alias examination_paper -> exam_score

Currently, the tag that involves academic exam is tagged only as "test", which is a much less common term compared to "exam", so I would like to replace it with the more ocmmon word like "exam" instead.

Also disambiguating medical examination among other tags.

Updated by nonamethanks

TrueKringe said:

BUR #21815 has been rejected.

create alias test -> exam
remove alias test -> exam
deprecate test
create alias test_(academic) -> exam
rename examination -> examination_(medical)
deprecate examination
create alias examination_(academic) -> exam
create alias test_score_(paper) -> examination_paper
create alias examination_paper -> exam_score

Currently, the tag that involves academic exam is tagged only as "test", which is a much less common term compared to "exam", so I would like to replace it with the more ocmmon word like "exam" instead.

The argument that the term "test" is a "much less common term" is likely extremely dependent on where one lives. The terms are also likely used in slightly different manners, meaning that certain combinations of the terms may be more common in some usages than in others while still meaning the same exact thing.

Here are some google results to compare results.

"test taking tips" 813k vs "exam taking tips" 68.9k results.
"academic test" 1m vs "academic exam" 490k results
"college test" 1.12m vs "college exam" 1.01m results
"university test" 432k vs "university exam" 2.45m results
"high school test" 1.49m vs "high school exam" 1.25m results

GreyOmega4K said:

The argument that the term "test" is a "much less common term" is likely extremely dependent on where one lives. The terms are also likely used in slightly different manners, meaning that certain combinations of the terms may be more common in some usages than in others while still meaning the same exact thing.

Here are some google results to compare results.

"test taking tips" 813k vs "exam taking tips" 68.9k results.
"academic test" 1m vs "academic exam" 490k results
"college test" 1.12m vs "college exam" 1.01m results
"university test" 432k vs "university exam" 2.45m results
"high school test" 1.49m vs "high school exam" 1.25m results

During my schooling years, "test" was typically used for any small curriculum based test, "exam" was mostly used for end of semester/year tests. In essence, they mean the same thing though. An exam is just a bigger test, if there's any distinction to be made.

BUR #22643 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias test_score_(paper) -> test_score
remove alias test_score_(paper) -> test_score
create alias exam_score -> test_score
create alias score_on_paper -> test_score
create alias failed_test -> test_score
create alias failed_exam -> test_score

Let's unparse these tags:

  • test score (paper) is for the score on a piece of paper containing a test/exam
  • test is for the actual piece of paper.

So the request for test_score_(paper) -> examination_paper is actually wrong, because the first tag is for the vote, the second is for the paper the vote is on. This to me if anything is a symptom of how ambiguous the current names are, because even I as an admin had to look up the actual content of these tags to figure out what they were for.

Why does test score (paper) need to be qualified? Can't someone show someone else a digital score? The point of the tag as I understand is mostly to show things like a character taking 0 out of 100 in a test. This does not guarantee that it's on paper.

"test paper" sounds kind of unnatural to my ears, but that might be the ESL in me speaking. I'm going to propose a bunch of utility aliases for the score tag first, to make sure that people trying to find this tag will have an easier life, and then once we deal with this I'll make some options for voting on which tag we should pick for the name of the sheet of paper where the tests are. But one thing at a time so we don't make a mess trying to do too many things at once.

(I am assuming we want to have a generic test tag and a way to refine the results to find the graded ones, unless we want to just lump them all into a single tag and call it a day)


BUR #23742 has been rejected.

create alias test -> examination_paper
create alias academic_test -> examination_paper

I just realized test gets often mistaken for testicles due to its very short name. Seriously.

It's also not great of a main name for the tag due to its ambiguity with medical tests/exams. Same for exam.

Given that this tag right now is specifically for the sheets of paper, examination paper (which already exists) is not too bad a tag name for it. I can't really come up with a better name other than academic test besides it. I'll just make another BUR for voting.

Though I must admit calling kindergarten tests "academic test" seems a bit silly.

Please vote on which you prefer, or propose alternatives.

Why not go with examination test, or exam test? If you think that's too ambiguous still, then, uh... the closest thing English has to 'schoolic' if we wanted to distinguish from just 'academic' is the word 'scholastic', ala the children's company, so maybe scholastic test?

Damian0358 said:

Why not go with examination test, or exam test? If you think that's too ambiguous still, then, uh... the closest thing English has to 'schoolic' if we wanted to distinguish from just 'academic' is the word 'scholastic', ala the children's company, so maybe scholastic test?

I don't think that's non-native speaker friendly...

Damian0358 said:

I don't disagree, I just felt it worth bringing up if we don't want to go with "academic".

Thing is, is a school exam "academic"? I don't think so.
Also, examination test could be interpreted as body examination, or could it not? Just something that popped into my mind.

Provence said:

Thing is, is a school exam "academic"? I don't think so.

Technically, it is, because 'academy' traces back to the place where Plato taught his students, so a preschool is technically academic, and so too a preschool test. It is one of the ways that word can be used in English, even if it isn't the mainstream one today (where academic refers to higher education in specific, not just education in general).

Damian0358 said:

Technically, it is, because 'academy' traces back to the place where Plato taught his students, so a preschool is technically academic, and so too a preschool test. It is one of the ways that word can be used in English, even if it isn't the mainstream one today (where academic refers to higher education in specific, not just education in general).

I don't think what Plato was up to should have too much relevance to how we tag things. I do think calling these tests "academic" is less than ideal for the reason you mentioned, I think most people associate that word with higher education.

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