
Strive Bridget gender update

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morriganaensland said:

Aren't they tagged as female in Danbooru, though? by the booru's definition, they're female, no?

Yes, just like futanari. The only difference is that for a newhalf character, it is made clear in the post that she does not have a vagina. She is not necessarily trans, despite the term's origin.

morriganaensland said:

Aren't they tagged as female in Danbooru, though? by the booru's definition, they're female, no?

Female and woman are different terms. Newhalf aren't female.

Futanari are both female and male, newhalf are not. Newhalf only has one set of genitals, that being the male set. Breast is the only thing they have. Breast doesn't necessarily make someone a woman though.

Smolbaka said:

Female and woman are different terms. Newhalf aren't female.

Futanari are both female and male, newhalf are not. Newhalf only has one set of genitals, that being the male set. Breast is the only thing they have. Breast doesn't necessarily make someone a woman though.

And this wraps back around to the "are the *boy and *girl tags for gender or sex" problem. Bridget is being tagged as a boy because she's biologically male, but newhalf characters, which are biologically the same thing as Bridget except for when they have visible breasts are tagged as girls. If the problem with Bridget is ever going to go away, this site needs to figure out how it wants to tag character genders. People are going to keep bringing up examples like this.

morriganaensland said:

And this wraps back around to the "are the *boy and *girl tags for gender or sex" problem. Bridget is being tagged as a boy because she's biologically male, but newhalf characters, which are biologically the same thing as Bridget except for when they have visible breasts are tagged as girls. If the problem with Bridget is ever going to go away, this site needs to figure out how it wants to tag character genders. People are going to keep bringing up examples like this.

Bridget is a boy. This entire problem arises because people like you can't shut up about Bridget being a girl. I've seen numerous japanese accounts, mangaka, artist, etc still claiming him as a boy, still calling him an otokonoko, still using "kun" or "kyun" as a suffix, still using "♂"

You need to let it go. You're throwing fits, calling people transphobic for not "respecting a fictional character's identity" like he's a real person. Just get a life already.

Everyone is so over this, nobody respects this new "canon" except those constantly throwing "egg" at every femboy and crossdresser and claiming THEM as trans. (If it even is canon cause japanese people didn't even take it as a "trans" reading)

Smolbaka said:

Bridget is a boy. This entire problem arises because people like you can't shut up about Bridget being a girl. I've seen numerous japanese accounts, mangaka, artist, etc still claiming him as a boy, still calling him an otokonoko, still using "kun" or "kyun" as a suffix, still using "♂"

You need to let it go. You're throwing fits, calling people transphobic for not "respecting a fictional character's identity" like he's a real person. Just get a life already.

Everyone is so over this, nobody respects this new "canon" except those constantly throwing "egg" at every femboy and crossdresser and claiming THEM as trans. (If it even is canon cause japanese people didn't even take it as a "trans" reading)

When have I ever called people transphobic???? You say I'm throwing a fit but then you put words in my mouth LOL. You didn't even make a rebuttal to my statement, please stick to the topic at hand.

Okay, calm down. No one's called anyone transphobic (yet). Don't start getting aggressive and picking fights over things no one's said.

As far as newhalf is concerned, it is not for "biologically male" characters. This is not real life, we're dealing with anime characters. We're only even using that term as a tag because we don't have a better alternative for "futa but without a pussy." At one point, we would've called them "shemales" but that's offensive now. No one who makes art of this type of character ever actually considers them male. They're always treated as girls but with dicks instead of vaginas. Some people describe them as trans, but the overwhelming majority don't care enough to identify them as anything other than futas, and futas are girls.

blindVigil said:

Okay, calm down. No one's called anyone transphobic (yet). Don't start getting aggressive and picking fights over things no one's said.

As far as newhalf is concerned, it is not for "biologically male" characters. This is not real life, we're dealing with anime characters. We're only even using that term as a tag because we don't have a better alternative for "futa but without a pussy." At one point, we would've called them "shemales" but that's offensive now. No one who makes art of this type of character ever actually considers them male. They're always treated as girls but with dicks instead of vaginas. Some people describe them as trans, but the overwhelming majority don't care enough to identify them as anything other than futas, and futas are girls.

I agree with this. Although sometimes I see otokonoko with noticable breast get tagged as newhalf, despite the artist calling the character "male" and "otokonoko" with no indication that the artist sees the character as a "girl"

I believe people saying "tag what you see" don't understand "traps". As I said previous Bridget isn't a female, newhalf, or futanari (unless the artist specifically stated it as TS or no dick when nude).


blindVigil said:
As far as newhalf is concerned, it is not for "biologically male" characters. This is not real life, we're dealing with anime characters. We're only even using that term as a tag because we don't have a better alternative for "futa but without a pussy." At one point, we would've called them "shemales" but that's offensive now. No one who makes art of this type of character ever actually considers them male. They're always treated as girls but with dicks instead of vaginas. Some people describe them as trans, but the overwhelming majority don't care enough to identify them as anything other than futas, and futas are girls.

I only brought up the whole biology thing because people always tend to break this conversation down to "Bridget has dick therefore male" and I wanted to point out that there are indeed dick-havers tagged as girls in this booru.

I personally enjoy tagging what the artist intended, however right now it's just "unless it's super explicit tag as boy" for Bridget even though (assuming for the sake of the argument) a good chunk of western artists probably view her as a girl (and don't think to go "PLEASE TAG AS GIRL ON DANBOORU PLEASE") and the opposite sentiment with jp artists (which is the default and therefore gets respected). But also tagging Bridget's gender based on artist sounds really silly.

The bridget citation ignores that it's an English translation thing. In Japan Bridget is still considered a girlyboy. This kind of woke neo-LGBT activist stuff kills websites and while it may not be material to many, such decisions will lead to schisms.

I always go by how the media is depicted in the original language and in no way shape or form is Bridget considered female in the original Japanese version of the game. I suspect that OP has a conflict;f interest here but that's my .02.

GuanXiao said:

The bridget citation ignores that it's an English translation thing. In Japan Bridget is still considered a girlyboy.

I always go by how the media is depicted in the original language and in no way shape or form is Bridget considered female in the original Japanese version of the game.

And this ignores that Bridget being a woman was communicated in Japanese too here, here and here by the developers, and how the Japanese see no issue referring to a trans woman as a girlyboy/otokonoko/etc. still, which her Pixpedia article discussed in depth.

GuanXiao said:

The bridget citation ignores that it's an English translation thing. In Japan Bridget is still considered a girlyboy. This kind of woke neo-LGBT activist stuff kills websites and while it may not be material to many, such decisions will lead to schisms.

I always go by how the media is depicted in the original language and in no way shape or form is Bridget considered female in the original Japanese version of the game. I suspect that OP has a conflict;f interest here but that's my .02.

If you wanna play that card and sling buzzwords around, at least know what you're talking about. Bridget's case was very much not a translation issue, and you can read the Japanese developers direct, unambiguous clarification here, there's really no other character whose gender situation is so clearly, officially defined:

So let's keep it to what that clear-cut situation means for how danbooru handles it, thanks.

GuanXiao said:

The bridget citation ignores that it's an English translation thing. In Japan Bridget is still considered a girlyboy.

If you doubt the accuracy of the Guilty Gear Official English page then we can compare it to the same article on the Official Guilty Gear website in Japanese.

Guilty Gear Strive Developer's Backyard 9/14 JP

MTL Google:
We have received many inquiries about Bridget's gender, but after playing Bridget's story in arcade mode, Bridget has come to identify as female.
So if you ask her which pronoun is correct, "he'' or "she,'' Bridget will say "she.''

MTL Apple:
I have received many inquiries about Bridget's gender, but after the Bridget story in arcade mode, Bridget began to identify herself as a woman.
So if you ask whether the pronoun of "he" or "she" is correct, Bridget will be "she".

Guilty Gear Strive Developer's Backyard 9/14 EN
We've received many inquiries about Bridget's gender. After the events of Bridget's story in Arcade Mode, she self-identifies as a woman.
So, as to whether "he" or "she" would be the correct pronoun for Bridget, the answer would be "she."

GuanXiao said:

The bridget citation ignores that it's an English translation thing. In Japan Bridget is still considered a girlyboy. This kind of woke neo-LGBT activist stuff kills websites and while it may not be material to many, such decisions will lead to schisms.

I always go by how the media is depicted in the original language and in no way shape or form is Bridget considered female in the original Japanese version of the game. I suspect that OP has a conflict;f interest here but that's my .02.

Man, people are still pushing this narrative? It's been proven every way possible that Strive Bridget, both in-game and from the Devs' own mouths, all in the original Japanese text, identifies as a girl now. People will believe literally anything is a mistranslation if they don't like what the translation says, even when you show them the specific Japanese character that explicitly means the thing they think wasn't said.

If we're talking purely about the merits of policy, fine, I'll play this game.

Bridget is clearly in most artwork depicted with male anatomy and at most given a very slight puffy chest. Unless the description of the artwork or a specific tip-off (e.g. notable breast implants) is mentioned, current tagging should remain in place. For OP to harp on one particular girlyboy character is strange when as others pointed out, there are wider systemic policy issues. If Danbooru wants to go the full "confirm pronouns" train I suspect that it will lead to many people leaving the site. Which, I would be amongst those. That probably won't influence decisions, but a ship sinks purely by fractures in the hull.


If what is being shared about Japanese Arc Systems Works is true, than wow, they totally are going all in to please Western wokeness and abandoning their Japanese fans. No wonder the creator of BlazBlue left. In any case my points have been made. I still think there's a conflict of interest going on here.

Why not Pre-Strive and Strive character tags for Bridget? I glanced across an article recently about how one of the senior staff didn't know what trans were before developing Strive.

Regarding internet political correctness bureaucracy, I say just keep it as it's been. You can't please everyone while trying to maintain a business.

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