A discussion on the discord arose so I'm opening a thread to discuss current use of fine_art.
Wiki states that "This tag is for actual fine art - that is, art created before the internet and digital art were a thing." Mostly containing paintings from the greats such as post #4314715 or post #250658
A smaller subset in the tag though contain paintings such as this one post #7138216 which are redrawn and recognizable, but not in a parodic sense as to warrant fine_art_parody.
Another smaller subset contains insets of classic paintings which have not been redrawn post #7097771 post #4292243 post #4917416.
I believe the second set of redrawn paintings are fine just leaving the painting copyright tag and calling it a day, but what about the third set here? Is this fine_art? Someone proposed fine_art_inset which I enjoy if these don't fall under the wider fine_art tag.