
Strive Bridget gender update

Posted under Tags

BUR #23571 has been rejected.

mass update bridget_(guilty_gear) guilty_gear_strive 1boy rating:general -> 1girl -1boy -otoko_no_ko -male_focus -crossdressing

Bridget when not visibly presenting as male should be tagged 1girl in accordance with the change made by the series creator. We did this for testament and tag them according to what their official profile lists when sex isn't shown so the same should apply to Bridget.

Reply iori98 CasualStan Username173 user 781002 is gone Shibi FubukiKai WuvviDuvvi caffeinehoyo wispydreamer indep DocAquatic OnlyBlacklist SyraLessThanThree rqndom AWCY taki-tak Ithaquaイサクア Jemnite yellowboatboy ScarletMomiji Myony MultivitaminCCC Daelfman gaywoman Neeyoh BGT2011 TenBillionSpinosaurs Kadakism Terwiliger LilBunny9 dave0451 nyankibby PLEASEHELPME Aqros161 flowerblossom94 Yemenano weepwoop diany1997 gaiboi androgynouswomenlover agglego2 Setvilioux Waavve FleRFOSi Red Terror LightSolas iphn thelieutenant Hoshino Yumemi Mayhem-Chan WhatWillYouDoWithoutMeOp Caenbet hhhhhhhhhh8 nonamethanks Unbreakable CoreMack hdk5 Nacha MegaFlare VR-Man LQ TheGamingRodent Diet Soda avidbookreader Kommandant Laudividni zetsubousensei Strobe Red RaisingK Dordisreal ANON TOKYO g6672D Smolbaka Kuruma Bionicman76 D3NPA Veraducks Sanctity Fhtagn Shinjidude blindVigil NuclearHellBird anon7631 TVW S3x Mavado ShadowbladeEdge dinosaurus Kaede Ono denliner27 DimensionalBlade Immersed KotokoIwanaga Armour Wisard23 Karonath user 499300 vteck Ohkami Micolash pieguy Icecreaminafire Awesome Dingus pantsukiller albert03 Kimoju GoldLanding 13Senrans Grib tkekmate Obst noname3412 Lynx190 Nonesovile Mexiguy viliml LunaticDifficulty Loyalbroom Thatrandotapper KJ1818 kindergarten uniform Redeemer44 silentbob111 Innocentomb0 Ezequiell Decibull Toothbox Jisadel dynaman evvvk figfighter8 slow.motion.shadow Heathen Narrator-1 machan12 BigBara Harrower Class Bronzemiser kneecompany angel27 Dark Tzitzimine mostlycloudydays SourMilk sipsips Monkeyscar Rhape Tojitomo Dimitrij minnazzo

I am still against this BUR because nobody actually answered the problems that evazion raised in forum #222668.

I'm categorically opposed to tagging yuri on pictures of Bridget and another female character in a romantic setting, which would still fall under rating:g (or not tagging yaoi on the same-sex equivalent, like post #6596545 or post #7019017).
I'm also against not being able to search for traps with otoko no ko/crossdressing just because of canonical reasons. Just because someone is trans doesn't mean they're not crossdressing or an otoko no ko. Those terms refer to the body, not what the character thinks. They're fetish tags, they're there for our users, not the character.


Alongside the problems evazion raised, there's also the fact that this would only be a band-aid solution to an underlying tagging problem that's present on not just Danbooru, but on all boorus with the 'gender' tag system, which I raised in forum #218478 and again in forum #221535. Even as I think she should be tagged as a girl from Strive on, we can't just implement a half-baked solution to a problem that's ingrained into the system (so if we want Bridget to be tagged correctly, we need to go to the roots, not the tree tops).

nonamethanks said:

I am still against this BUR because nobody actually answered the problems that evazion raised in forum #222668.

I'm categorically opposed to tagging yuri on pictures of Bridget and another female character in a romantic setting, which would still fall under rating:g (or not tagging yaoi on the same-sex equivalent, like post #6596545 or post #7019017).
I'm also against not being able to search for traps with otoko no ko/crossdressing just because of canonical reasons. Just because someone is trans doesn't mean they're not crossdressing or an otoko no ko. Those terms refer to the body, not what the character thinks. They're fetish tags, they're there for our users, not the character.

I'm not sure why we're bringing up the entirety of the sites trap collection when the discussion should be about Bridget. No one is trying to remove the otoko no ko or crossdressing tags that's a complete strawman argument. No one is also tagging visibly male characters like ladiva female because ladiva male presenting while Bridget is completely feminine with no obvious signs that they're a male.

iori98 said:
No one is trying to remove the otoko no ko or crossdressing tags that's a complete strawman argument.

Your bur is trying to remove otoko no ko, crossdressing and male focus, which are tags that people use to search for traps (or filter them out).

iori98 said:

while Bridget is completely feminine with no obvious signs that they're a male.

Just like Astolfo or any other trap. The point is that you know there's a dick hidden in there, and that's the entire appeal of the character and the reason they're so popular.

Damian0358 said:

she should be tagged as a girl from Strive on

From the as-of-yet unreleased games after Strive onward, as the Strive character design & canon are from before the critical gender-changing moment in the story.

LQ said:

From the as-of-yet unreleased games after Strive onward, as the Strive character design & canon are from before the critical gender-changing moment in the story.

Don't be pedantic, her design pre- and post-moment is the same and the characters in general are taken at base to be post-story, to my memory, the player is just catching up. Additionally, given how Bridget's design basically went largely unchanged from XX until the Strive redesign, there's nothing suggesting she'll look any different in the next game. Regardless, it's irrelevant because, again, despite my support for her being tagged as a girl with her Strive design, a BUR like the above would just a band-aid solution over a far more systemic issue.

nonamethanks said:

Your bur is trying to remove otoko no ko, crossdressing and male focus, which are tags that people use to search for traps (or filter them out).

I misspoke I meant removing them as in getting rid of the tags entirely since that was what I assumed you were worried about. In the end it's still a trivial fear since Bridget still has 818 posts when removing strive from the search. In regards on how to tag in the future creating a transgender tag would help, a general transgender male and female tag would also help with those looking to blacklist. All Bridget (guilty gear) post under guilty gear strive get the transgender female tag but the ones that show or hint at sex still get labeled as 1boy would be the solution. Honestly this is made a bigger deal than it needs to be

Edit: as for the Yuri/yaoi problem, Yuri -transgender_female yaoi -transgender_male

Damian0358 said:

her design pre- and post-moment is the same

The developer doesn't do official alternate costumes because all the clothing is hand-animated in 3D as if it were 2D. Sol's design should be different, too, but it isn't.

nonamethanks said:

I am still against this BUR because nobody actually answered the problems that evazion raised in forum #222668.

I'm categorically opposed to tagging yuri on pictures of Bridget and another female character in a romantic setting, which would still fall under rating:g (or not tagging yaoi on the same-sex equivalent, like post #6596545 or post #7019017).
I'm also against not being able to search for traps with otoko no ko/crossdressing just because of canonical reasons. Just because someone is trans doesn't mean they're not crossdressing or an otoko no ko. Those terms refer to the body, not what the character thinks. They're fetish tags, they're there for our users, not the character.

Girls can have dicks.
Just let it go.

punished_K said:

Girls can have dicks.
Just let it go.

No they do not. If you want girls with dicks go look at futanari.

Bridget is not a futanari though. He is a biological male since the day of his creation.

While I agree with the sentiment of this poll, I think the current state of Danbooru is a bit too... ehhhh for this poll to be implemented properly. From what I've seen, trans characters being tagged with their preferred gender is literally based on what the site and the users think. I've seen trans female characters be tagged either as a boy and as a girl (sometimes it changes from post to post). I think the reason Testament's tag change went without a hitch and Bridget caused a stir is because so many people have eyes on Bridget as an otoko no ko icon (which, fair).

There needs to be a fundamental overhaul of the gender tags before anything is done IMO, whether that be making it so it depends on the character's gender or the character's sex (and for the latter, hopefully making the main names of the tags something specified towards sex, like "male" and "female"). However, that in itself would cause a huge mess. so :///

also as a side note on Testament, if Arcsys is to believe, They've always been some flavor of non-binary, and them being male in the older games was a localization thing, but that's a subject for a different day

Regarding Testament specifically, they were stated to be "biologically androgynous" in an interview from 20 years ago, which some have interpreted to mean that they became androgynous as a result of becoming a gear (source from this Reddit post). I don't know when the 1other tag was first used, but it looks like it was probably a few years ago, long after the first Testament post, which explains why some are still tagged 1boy.

In any case, this is actually consistent with the current policy for Bridget. Testament's physical sex is neither male nor female, so we tag them with 1other unless they have visible male or female body parts. Bridget is physically male, so we tag her with 1boy unless there is physical evidence indicating otherwise (or if it's a SFW post with the trans flag colors or some other explicit reference to her being transgender).

morriganaensland said:

From what I've seen, trans characters being tagged with their preferred gender is literally based on what the site and the users think

It's because of the good old rule "tag what you see, not what you know".

punished_K said:


Calling newhalf "women" is a bit of a stretch.. They look almost identical to a woman, the people who jerk off to them may call them a woman, but by definition they aren't since they lack the genitalia (they only have a dick)

Futanari is much closer to "woman with a dick" than a "newhalf".

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