The pussy_sandwich tag is not defined, and there is some ambiguity as to what should and should not be tagged with it. Good examples of tag are post #2131637 and post #7147156, while post #7157059 should not even be tagged as such. Almost every post with it also have girl on top and human stacking, so I believe they should be implicated. However, some posts, whether tagged with pussy_sandwich or not, also have tribadism, take your pick, cooperative grinding, or some combination of the three. Take your pick and tribadism appear to be mutually exclusive with cooperative grinding, so it probably won't be possible for all three to be implicated. The most subjective tag (in my opinion) to also be applied is, take your pick and should perhaps be held to a higher standard than usual. Additionally, this tag should require at least two girls, and possibly implicate yuri.
I would be more than happy to write the wiki page for pussy sandwich based on feedback to this thread, and to garden this tag. The overall changes to this tag include:
- pussy_sandwich implicates girl_on_top
- pussy_sandwich implicates human_stacking