Currently the androgynous wiki has the following clause:
This tag may also apply to characters whose gender is canonically unknown (e.g. Akiyama Mizuki from Project Sekai) and to original characters whose gender cannot be visibly distinguished.
I read this as it automatically applying to any character of unknown or indeterminate gender, like the example given of Akiyama Mizuki. This clause, or a similar one, has been present since the original wiki version from 2006, but I question whether it should be there.
The Cambridge Dictionary has a simple definition that I think most people could agree with:
not clearly male or female
And I think it makes way more sense for androgynous to only apply when a character looks, well, not clearly male or female, similar to how tomboy functions based on look and mannerism. Wiktionary's definitions that aren't ancient are also similar. Akiyama Mizuki would disqualify from "being" androgynous in this case, since they clearly look like a girl in almost every image.
On the more practical side, the way the wiki is worded now would also mean it doubles as a ~1other ~*others search, and that seems unnecessary.
TL;DR I am proposing we remove the clause in my first quote from the wiki of androgynous since this seems to be completely disconnected from real-world use of the word.