post #9000000 GET!

"Altria" alias for the main Artoria Pendragon tag

Posted under Tags

BUR #23221 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias altria_pendragon_(fate) -> artoria_pendragon_(fate)

I know that FGO's official romanization of Artoria Pendragon as "Altria Pendragon" is not really popular among the fanbase. But I'm kinda surprised that this is not applied as an alias to her tag yet despite official status.

One reason to add this that I can think of is to help new Fate fans who only knew her from FGO to find her tags, especially since they are definitely not familiar with how she is usually called within the inner circle of the fanbase.

Kommandant said:

Regardless of fan popularity, if Altria is the official name, shouldn't this alias be reversed?

Nah, fans not gonna like it. And I know some of them are here.
If that happen, my guess someone will try to reverse it again.

teitoku_zeon said:

Nah, fans not gonna like it. And I know some of them are here.
If that happen, my guess someone will try to reverse it again.

Its also wrong, as the material books so kindly explain with the origin of the name (female form of Artorious or something IIRC, which would be Artoria or Arturia).
IIRC the Altria thing started with a piece of merchandise and apparently once a name is set for that kinda stuff changing it is really difficult, so we sadly got stuck with Altria.

xcv450 said:

Its also wrong, as the material books so kindly explain with the origin of the name (female form of Artorious or something IIRC, which would be Artoria or Arturia).
IIRC the Altria thing started with a piece of merchandise and apparently once a name is set for that kinda stuff changing it is really difficult, so we sadly got stuck with Altria.

It's not wrong in the slightest, Altria is a perfectly correct localization of アルトリア - and even if it were wrong, it's still the official localised name in pretty much 100% of Fate content now, whether it's merch packaging, material books, or games where she appears.
Ironically, if her name was meant to be Artoria/Arturia it's likely it should instead be something more like アートリア (that's exactly how the Arturia brand of electronics is written in Japanese, for example) so it's actually kind of the other way around, Artoria/Arturia were originally picked by fans (and early translations) due to being close to Arthur/Artorius, but they are less correct romanizations of her name than Altria is.

That said, I don't particularly care whether we keep the tag as Artoria or push for reversing the alias, but yeah.

Edit: Not exactly "less correct", Dark Souls' Artorias is spelt アルトリウス rather than アートリウス for example, so equally correct I suppose.


xcv450 said:

Its also wrong, as the material books so kindly explain with the origin of the name (female form of Artorious or something IIRC, which would be Artoria or Arturia).
IIRC the Altria thing started with a piece of merchandise and apparently once a name is set for that kinda stuff changing it is really difficult, so we sadly got stuck with Altria.

No, most artbooks and stuff were never localized to English and セイバー appears more often, but it's been romanized as Altria for over a decade on official material from TM, ironically in the same material you mentioned. Artoria mostly comes from early fantranslations and media published by other companies, like the Extella games. The person pushing the Altria localization is the author themselves, Nasu, it's even an internal meme (post #3168401).
