post #9000000 GET!

Newbie asking a question

Posted under General

葉月 said:

I realize Ghibli and Miyazaki's films are (rightly) placed on a pedestal above the bulk of mass produced anime out there. Though I feel it is possible to respect and admire a work, while also seeking out adult images of the fictitious characters in that work; out of respect to those it would offend, I will refrain from posting any further Ghibli hentai pictures.

Again, I am very sorry to have offended anyone, and to have undermined my own argument. I still respectfully stand by the opinion that objectivity rather than subjectivity should govern grounds for deletion.


The only vaguely tolerable Ghibli ero fanart I've seen is post #94745. But that's because the rest of what I've seen has been total complete utter crap (like 95% of everything in the "ghibli" tag here, with the rest being usually very good fanart), not because I have moral objections to erotic content (of course I have the "sex" tag blacklisted so).

葉月 said:
All Ghibli hentai is by definition crappy, and that you uploaded was particularly offensive and ewwww. And it's largely a matter of philosophical principles, I for one don't understand how you could possibly not mind hentai of works you value and respect (let alone actively *seek* it, which half of the internet seems to be dedicated to).

...and who are you to be saying what people should and should not find erotic?

Of course, this largely doesn't matter, as long as YOU are not using your position to delete an image simply because you personally find it offensive.

Fencedude said:
Of course, this largely doesn't matter, as long as YOU are not using your position to delete an image simply because you personally find it offensive.

I don't think it's productive to point fingers. Furthermore 葉月 didn't delete any of the Ghibli hentai, so I believe he/she is willing to overlook posts he/she disagrees with. 葉月 has also stated in the past that while he/she doesn't approve explicit posts, nor does he/she delete them arbitrarily.

(Damn ambiguous internet aliases and English pronouns; "he/she" sounds so disrespectful. No offense meant by it.)

Heh, I apologise for all confusion caused by me and my nick :). 葉月 used as a name is female, but I'm not. Just using it as a nick.

And yes, English sucks for its retarded "oh hey, let's not have grammatical genders, except for where it matters the most, in personal pronouns, which are thereby rendered useless" approach. Though I dislike the proposed alternatives like "zie" just as much.

First of all, I want to make clear that the following is a personal decision, and not something I encourage to become an official policy or guideline. I also realize that by saying it, I completely obliterate my previous argument (which I still strongly hold to be true, though the thread is quite thoroughly derailed).

In the past couple of weeks I had decided to become a more active contributor, after a long period of being mostly dormant after Danbooru closed to the public. However culminating with this thread, I had been becoming increasingly aware that many of my contributions had been unwelcome.

After much thought, and comparing my favorites and contributions to those of more senior members of the site, I came to the realization that I have been posting far too much of what unprivileged members unlikely to be promoted wanted, but couldn’t have; and that privileged members had, but didn’t want. It’s unsettling to realize that you are a detriment to a system you are attempting to benefit. From now on, I will try to post much less hardcore hentai, and more good-quality safe images.

I really don’t want to be perceived as a nuisance, or someone that diminishes the quality of the system as a whole. Nor do I want to be seen as abusing the privileged status I inherited from old Danbooru. I hope by doing this, the perceived quality of my contributions will improve, and that I will be able to better able to benefit the system in a positive way.


I haven't followed this thread, but...

Shinjidude said:
I came to the realization that I have been posting far too much of what unprivileged members unlikely to be promoted wanted, but couldn’t have; and that privileged members had, but didn’t want.

That's some commendable insight. I thought I'd link your post from the "how to become privileged" thread.

葉月 said: Umm, not really. I can understand facts such as "there are people who like porn of shows they like", but, as I myself find it utterly repulsive, I can't possibly comprehend _why_ it could be.

To fap?

This isn't at all complicated. You don't have to agree with something to understand it.


So you say you understand _how_ some people find, say, scat arousing? Then we're really different, because for me it's completely incomprehensible. Knowledge is different than comprehension. I know there are people to like it, and I understand the fact, but understanding just how it works and what could possibly cause one to regard it as erotic completely escapes me.

I personally have some...unusual fetishes (though scat is emphatically NOT one of them), so I see no reason to insult people because they are turned on by something I either don't like or even find utterly repulsive.

But regardless, how in the world do you equate someone fapping to a character they like to fetish things like scat?

Fencedude said:
(...) so I see no reason to insult people because they are turned on by something I either don't like or even find utterly repulsive.

So far the only one insulting here is you. I don't know what problem you have with me, but I'm tired of it. Just fuck off.

jxh2154 said:
::rereads his responses to you::
At no time did he do anything remotely like insulting you, unless you mean some other thread.

He was (and is) implying pretty bluntly that I'm somehow abusing my modship and screwing people over based on my opinion of their fetishes, or at least treating them with contempt. Here and in comments. Yesterday I deleted an anonymous comment which basically told him to GTFO me in not exactly polite way, because I thought it was exaggerating and unnecessarily inflammatory. Now I agree with it.

That, and his unability or unwilingness to read what I wrote. I explained in great detail my stance on the subject and what exactly I have problems with, nowhere did I imply that people liking porn are somehow less worthy; in this context summarily dismissing all of that and asking me to stop being insulting I regard as extremely rude.

I didnt mean for this to turn into a flame war or whatever lol.

I dont exactly know who drew what and I cant really say who the artist is because of that, does that hurt me?

I thought other members were able to edit tags and other stuff like that so if they saw something like that they could correct that.

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