BUR #22736 has been rejected.
category magia_baiser -> general
category leopard_(mahou_shoujo_ni_akogarete) -> general
category nero_alice -> general
category loco_musica -> general
category leberblume -> general
category magia_magenta -> general
category magia_magenta_(la_verita) -> general
category magia_azul -> general
category magia_sulphur -> general
Would it be better to have these gentags instead of chartags? I'm sure as this series becomes more popular and it gets more posts, most of them will end up with double the necessary amount of chartags without a category change.
Looking at similar examples from other series, crisis_management_form_(machimazo) is a gentag while ultimate_madoka is a chartag. I don't know which is preferable or whether each one has certain nuances to justify the discrepancy, but based on previous threads, I would think we would favor gentags over chartags.