
Honkai Impact/Gakuen requests

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BUR #21838 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias fu_hua_(fenghuang_of_vicissitude) -> fu_hua_(garuda)
create implication jingwei_(honkai_impact) -> fu_hua
create implication fu_hua_(blood_voivode) -> fu_hua_(shadow_knight)
create implication fu_hua_(taixuan_impression) -> fu_hua_(azure_empyrea)
create implication fu_hua_(rustic_noir) -> fu_hua_(night_squire)
create implication fu_hua_(cerulean_court) -> fu_hua_(azure_empyrea)
create implication fu_hua_(hawk_of_the_fog) -> fu_hua_(valkyrie_accipiter)
create implication fu_hua_(spring_traveler) -> fu_hua_(night_squire)
create implication fu_hua_(blue_swallow) -> fu_hua_(valkyrie_accipiter)

Fenghuang of Vicissitude is Hua in her Garuda form.
The others are skins/outfits for Hua.

Tried to create implication for Sentience's Onyx Simurgh and Turn Up The Music froms, but for some reason it didn't work. Maybe its the double ()()??

im not the biggest expert in hg2's english translation (mostly because you cant play it anymore) but from what ive seen in videos it looks like the translators flip flop between kyuusyou and kyuushou at random.
that being said, kyuushou would be the correct romanization going from japanese to english.

sabisabi said:

kyuushou would be the correct romanization going from japanese to english.

On Danbooru, because we use the Hepburn romanization system. ใ—ใ‚‡ใ† can be romanized as syou if you use Kunrei-shiki or Nihon-shiki.

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