
Apologies in advance for Tag Discussion: MILF

Posted under General

It is something that has long since lost it's meaning. Way back, MILF most definately meant a woman with kids who was still smokin' hot. Now thought, it is harder to define. Maybe keep MILF for canon characters with kids, and use Mature or a similar word to describe older women without kids.

For most of the images tagged with milf, I know that the character is actually a mother by either the pixiv tags/descriptions or by knowledge of the character. From what I can tell, the tag really isn't being used for every woman that looks mature, so this doesn't seem to be an issue at all.

Fencedude said:
The fact that a character is the mother of a child is not, in and of itself, a concept worthy of tagging.

True, and yet that's how the term first came to be. lol
I would say just figure out a tag for older chicks, since I can bet this topic would keep going on and on and on without end.

xRatchetx said:
Maybe keep MILF for canon characters with kids...

No canon.

I hate the MILF myself and would like to see it gone, but mature makes me think "geriatric". Why start tagging this age group just to accommodate the absence of MILF? If we have to, then consider the fact that we already have child or loli, and old_man and old_woman. Let's just stick with adult.

And for the record, I'm quite fond of MILFs.

EDIT: we could alias milf to adult, or some kind soul could tag-script them over to "-milf +adult +female".


gladwort said:
EDIT: we could alias milf to adult, or some kind soul could tag-script them over to "-milf +adult +female".

Bad idea. The adult tag is used, as its wiki entry says, for characters who are normally children or teens but are depicted in the post as an adult. Common example: Vivio is a child, but has an adult mode. Pictures of her adult mode get the adult tag.

Magus said:
Bad idea. The adult tag is used, as its wiki entry says, for characters who are normally children or teens but are depicted in the post as an adult. Common example: Vivio is a child, but has an adult mode. Pictures of her adult mode get the adult tag.

It sounds like adult_persona would be an appropriate correction for that type of scene.

+1 for a mature pool based on visual cues. The fewer danbooru definitions that differ from real life ones the better and keeping it MILF as is is just leaving open the possibility for further confusion. I doubt that mature is a euphemism for the geriatric in the minds of most people. An alternative is middle-age but this would seem too restrictive.

The problem is not the 'm' part, it's the '-ilf' part. That second part is obviously subjective, and it's not even subjective in a particularly useful fashion -- who cares if you want to fuck her? "Retaining her figure" and remaining beautiful and all that are the same thing, basically subjective.

'Mature' on its own is a bit tricker, but I think it can work -- there are going to be unclear borderline cases, but the same can be said for hair color.

'Mother' or 'motherly' based purely on things shown on-screen (like, someone who is obviously shown acting in the role of a mother -- nursing, with kids at her apron-strings, whatever) might be workable, too, but I'm not sure there's much need for it.

Xabid said:
The problem is not the 'm' part, it's the '-ilf' part. That second part is obviously subjective, and it's not even subjective in a particularly useful fashion -- who cares if you want to fuck her? "Retaining her figure" and remaining beautiful and all that are the same thing, basically subjective.

'Mature' on its own is a bit tricker, but I think it can work -- there are going to be unclear borderline cases, but the same can be said for hair color.

'Mother' or 'motherly' based purely on things shown on-screen (like, someone who is obviously shown acting in the role of a mother -- nursing, with kids at her apron-strings, whatever) might be workable, too, but I'm not sure there's much need for it.

Then how about "Hot Mom" For actual mothers, it doesn't necessarily mean ones you want to fuck, but are obviously attractive, while "Mature" is used mainly for women who are older, but don't have kids. An example of Hot mom would be Washu from Tenchi, while a Mature woman would be Balalaika from Black Lagoon or something like that.

Personally, I'm on the side of nuking/aliasing the milf tag to mature. MILF still gets used as its acronym almost every time I hear or read it.

mature would capture the meaning of the woman in question being physically mature, without implying the "mother" or more subjective aspects. I think this is more appropriate, given how I've often seen, for example, OLs or teachers tagged as "milf".

MILF, on the other hand, presents some problems.
"Mother" - unless it's explicit in the pic that the woman in question is a mother (e.g. is nursing an infant or somesuch), or the artist's comments make it so, this term relies on meta-knowledge that shouldn't apply to the image.
"ILF" - as mentioned, this is entirely subjective and shouldn't be used in a tag.

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