
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Dollfie said:

post #7089154
The green and orange stuff attached to the character's collar. Does that have a name?.
It doesn't seem like a necklace or dog tags.
There are multiple images of this character wearing those but I never know how to tag them properly.

One of them has 박지 written on it. And it's present on the other pics too(like post #7089099). I don't speak korean, but assuming this is a name(like Park Ji-sung), name tag could be used.
Other tag also has writing. It's readable here: post #7065527. Could that be a name? You be the judge.


Should posts hard-translated in English be tagged with translated in addition to hard-translated/alternate language? Or should translated be reserved for posts with notes (not including animations)?

WaterMiner said:

post #6868455
I know the copyright of this post and the role, so I created two tags
yog-sothoths_yard tlipoca
But I still have an unsolved problem:yog-sothoths_yard it original name is yog-sothoth‘s yard
So I don't know how to deal with the situation where there is an apostrophe in the name
Is the way I name my tags compliant?

We have plenty of tags that use apostrophes, so adding one should be fine. I went ahead and changed it to yog-sothoth's_yard.