This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 45 days.
Posted under Tags
The bulk update request #20932 (forum #258708) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
The bulk update request #20933 (forum #258714) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
DanbooruBot said:
The bulk update request #20933 (forum #258714) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
Why didn't the deprecation go through? With skin-covered horns, cone horns, and the various colored horn tags, there should be enough ready to permit deprecation.
Damian0358 said:
Why didn't the deprecation go through? With skin-covered horns, cone horns, and the various colored horn tags, there should be enough ready to permit deprecation.
Seconding this, I only was against this initially because we didn't have a suitable replacement tag yet for the type which is now under cone horns. With both these tags I don't see a need for the broad base tag.
The bulk update request #20933 (forum #258714) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #22471 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update (skin-covered_horns or cone_horns) oni_horns -> -oni_horns
create implication cone_horns -> horns
The bulk update request #22471 (forum #265326) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #22472 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update shuten_douji_(fate) -alternate_horns oni_horns -> skin-covered_horns -oni_horns
mass update nakiri_ayame -alternate_horns oni_horns -> skin-covered_horns -oni_horns
mass update hoshiguma_(arknights) -alternate_horns oni_horns -> skin-covered_horns -oni_horns
mass update battleship_princess -alternate_horns oni_horns -> skin-covered_horns -oni_horns
mass update rindou_mikoto -alternate_horns oni_horns -> skin-covered_horns -oni_horns
mass update lum -alternate_horns oni_horns -> cone_horns -oni_horns
Some mass updates.
There are a lot of characters with their own special brand of horns that look nothing like oni horns. For those, there's probably no reason to create special tags for their shapes if they're limited to them. Some examples: ibuki_suika, arataki_itto (if anything these look like normal devil horns, I blame blind related tag tagging here), ibuki_douji_(fate) (maybe zig-zag horns if more examples from other characters can be found).
The bulk update request #22472 (forum #265328) has been approved by @nonamethanks.