
Whether bike_shorts are shorts 2: Electric Boogaloo

Posted under Tags

BUR #21319 has been rejected.

create implication bike_shorts -> shorts

When looking at some possible implications I stumbled upon the whole bike shorts/shorts situation. Seemingly they are kept separate as of now, but the wikis don't seem to imply anything of the sorts.

I tried to search the forums, but mostly found ancient posts (topic #1217, topic #9491) where it was seemingly decided already that they are separate, and some more recent posts with some discussion and people expressing confusion at why they are separate (topic #16986 (thanks for the topic name), forum #189429).

Keeping them separate would need at least a mention in the wikis and relevant color tags created, but with the names so close to eachother I doubt it'd be practical to keep them separate (forum #170332). Maybe the alias for spats could be reversed to remedy this?

It's a bit nuanced because bike shorts (aka compression shorts aaka spats) are technically innerwear and shorts are outerwear. Actual bike shorts made for cycling could be called shorts, but the tag isn't reserved for just that type of clothing. Since the tag is used for all types of compression shorts it's too ambiguous to also tag them as shorts, even if they are called that.

Agree that there should be a separate color tag for bike shorts, because with cases like bike_shorts_under_shorts it'd be nice to color tag both clothing items specifically.


I think the primary issue with bike_shorts is the tag's name. If it was called spats (as they commonly are in translated manga) then there'd be much less disagreement and we'd likely already have bike shorts colour tags. Functionally, they occupy a different clothing layer to shorts. Bike shorts are worn a layer under shorts, in place of leggings or pantyhose. Because of this, I think it's reasonable to want more granular tagging between those layers. This would allow, for example, searching for different colours of shorts and bike shorts within the same image.
