
Pikmin Tag Upkeep

Posted under Tags

Maiden_in_Orange said:

BUR #21930 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias wollywog -> wollyhop
create alias yellow_wollywog -> yellow_wollyhop

Pikmin 4 has switched to the European name variant, and so has everywhere else from the looks of things, so I think Danbooru should probably follow suit.

Reference info from the Pikmin wiki.

Wollyhop or Wollywog, depending on game and version. The enemy is called the Wollywog in both American English and British English versions of Pikmin and Pikmin 2, but in New Play Control! Pikmin, New Play Control! Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Hey! Pikmin, and Pikmin 3 Deluxe, the enemy is called the Wollywog in the American English version and the Wollyhop in the British English version. In Pikmin 1 (Nintendo Switch), Pikmin 2 (Nintendo Switch), and Pikmin 4, the enemy is called the Wollyhop in both English versions. The reason for the name change is that the term "wog" is a slur in British and Australian English. Either way, the name comes from pollywog, another word for tadpole.

BUR #22839 has been rejected.

rename oatchi_(pikmin) -> oatchi

While the vast majority of names for this series are qualified (and for good reason), this is the one that I seriously wonder if the qualifer is necessary for. "Oatchi" is a very unique, almost gibberish, name, and I haven't found any other character with even a similar name for it, and I doubt I will anytime soon.

So...why is Oatchi qualified then? I don't think anyone is going to be mixing this dog up with anything else anytime soon. So unless there's something I'm missing here, I would like to see it dequalified.

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