
The Great VTuber aliasing Project

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BUR #21275 has been rejected.

create alias projektmelody -> melody_(projektmelody)
create alias henya_(vtuber) -> henya_the_genius

Thought I'd create this forum for VTubers who either have new names, or have different names from when they debuted. If there are other
VTubers that have changed their names from their debut, please use this to create an alias for them.

Damian0358 said:

The former alias had previously been proposed in forum #236340, but it was rejected for being superfluous due to the search autocomplete.

True, but I'm trying to focus on official merch stuff and since Projekt Melody is used for a lot on merch I think we should try it
again, and also doesn't hurt in trying again and see if it gets approved.