
Specifying color_request / metatags

Posted under Tags

I think creating eye color request and hair color request would help specify color requests without needing to refer to forum #12251. More could be added of course if one wanted clothing color request or the like, but for now I think eye and hair are a particular challenge.

Examples for eye color: post #7065510, post #7060215

Examples for hair color: post #7065525, post #7065510, post #7060191

P.s: upon previewing I noticed these are already meta tags, which I couldn't have known since they have no posts so they don't show up as a suggested tag when uploading, searching the wiki or even tag search: *_request tags. So I will now also suggest removing the need for minimum applied posts for request metatags or maybe even metatags in general in order to appear as a suggestion, and await why it might not be a good suggestion.

I think that even having a color_request is a bad idea; it encourages users to not bother tagging colors and just dump that job on some other poor sap. Most of our other *_request tags are reasonable, as the knowledge being requested is not something any old user would be expected to know (translation_request, weapon_request, flower_request etc.). Colors, however, are one of the most elementary concepts in existence. We don't need request tags for them.

I agree color should be self-evident, I'm also struggling to see the utility of the tag even in its current state. If I want to help out with post #451 there is no easy way for me to know what color is missing. In fact without looking at the tagged images the name alone makes me think it's a request for lineart to be colorized

A better tag would be something like hair color request, shirt color request ect, but again it should be self-evident.

zetsubousensei said:
In fact without looking at the tagged images the name alone makes me think it's a request for lineart to be colorized

A better tag would be something like hair color request, shirt color request ect, but again it should be self-evident.

Yeah, that was my original intent, color request on its own is too vague to let other users know which color needs specifying. But hair and eye color are one of the most important/(central?) and basic tags for specifying, like 1girl/1boy they just come to mind way more often than other basic tags.

nonamethanks said:

BUR #22276 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

deprecate color_request

Yeah this is just going to end up badly.

Is this just specifically for only getting rid of color request or will all color requests be deprecated too?

It'd be useful if it had its own unique system like how using char:(last name, first name) automatically creates a new character.

FORMAT-EXAMPLE: Color request:(insert noun for clarification).

EXAMPLE-FOR-ACTUAL-USE: Color request:eyes, Color request:pants.

Upon using these would all still fall under color request but in the actual post page it has the noun after the colon (appears as Color request:(insert noun for clarification)).

In-between Edit: and since the noun wouldn't appear in the tag suggestions you could write things like Color_request:sky(blue_or_grey) and use multiple color request tags in one post.

That way we would not need to create new color requests for each thing that needs color clarification and get rid of the need for deprecating them when they get rediscovered years after being out of use.


Sessyoin_Kiara said:
These colors aren't used because they're ambiguous, I'd tag post #7073516 with orange eyes for example.

I can see that too, yeah. But after looking again in original size I can see brown being a better fit than yellow if amber is not an option anymore. Was amber_* really mistagged that badly?

Sessyoin_Kiara said:

It was aliased in the past (see forum #190448).

Huh, so danbo seems to have a long troubled history with color. ๐Ÿฅ

Anyways, yeah I think brown is a better fit for her eyes.