
alias diagonal-striped_necktie -> striped_necktie

Posted under Tags

BUR #22176 has been rejected.

remove implication diagonal-striped_necktie -> diagonal-striped_clothes
create alias diagonal-striped_necktie -> striped_necktie

Diagonal stripes are the default I don't know why we have this tag. Running a search for striped_necktie - diagonal-striped_necktie doesn't even meaningfully change results since they are all diagonally striped just lacking the tag.

baconmeh2 said:

The scarcity of horizontal or vertical necktie stripes should warrant tagging. I could only find one example in google images for "striped necktie" where it's horizontal- and it looks wrong.

I went through several pages and this character in post #2648173 was the only one I saw who wears a striped necktie that isn't diagonally striped.

Currently it is very difficult to search for, and I have yet to see a vertically striped necktie. I'm unsure if it's something that people would actually be interested in filtering for, but it is scare and unique.

BUR #23631 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication vertical-striped_necktie -> necktie
create implication vertical-striped_necktie -> vertical-striped_clothes

I populated vertical-striped necktie and managed to find a few hundred posts fairly easily just by looking at the first few pages. There's likely hundred more out there. I had less luck with horizontal-striped necktie.

I don't like the idea of approving this BUR, because these tags are very susceptible to being overtaken by popular characters. It only takes a single popular gacha character or vtuber for a tag like horizontal-striped_necktie or vertical-striped_necktie to absolutely balloon and overtake several pages of its parent tag. I consider keeping diagonal-striped necktie the minor evil in this case. As long as tags for vertical and horizontal variants exist, then it doesn't really do any harm to keep it.