
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Whoknows1orall said:

Yes probably, if for no other reason than to be safe.

Just wanted to double check before putting that tag on, thanks.

setyaputrabb said:

How do i tag that artist? I cant use rai or mayberai_, and mayberai is already taken

This thread is intended for gentagging help. Next time you need artist help, use topic #8199 for instead. Though to answer your question:

This is where qualifiers come in handy. If you can't find any other handles this artist uses, you could always tag her with "rai (mayberai)" in a worst case scenario. Though "mayberai" isn't bringing up any searches in the artist database for me, so make of that whatever you will.

post #7001122
What is the name of the girl? I'm not very familiar with recent titles(last decade), but I have a feeling I've seen her posted here dozens of time. Quick search for her prominent appearance traits doesn't yield anything either. Am I imagining things?
Also, isn't there character request thread? I thought, current thread is for tags of general category.


142undmich said:

How does this autotagger/media_assets page work for uploads?


I notice you can get to this sort of page from the upload page for a new upload, but
is there a way to go from this page and have them fill in the tags on the upload page?

AI tags can be shown in the upload page as "suggested" tags (topic #22280), but they aren't reliable for automatic tagging. In the media asset page, they're useful for searching for unposted or posted media assets.