
Question about uploading alt version of commissioned works that were locked behind Paid reward by the artist

Posted under General

So, I've recently received the work that I've commissioned on Pixiv along with its alt version via private gift file, but it seemed that the artist I've commissioned with only uploaded one version of the work on the site, wheas the alternate version (that I otherwise received via gift) were locked behind their Fanbox.

So, I'm wondering if this alt version could be considered a paid reward? Since that alt version wouldn't be accessible otherwise by others unless they are Fanbox members, and I'm kinda feeling hesitant on uploading the alt version I've received since I felt like that might be cutting off the artist's extra revenue from that piece of work, and that it may broke the paid reward rules.

If you're the commissioner you're allowed to post it here, just as you'd be allowed to post it to Twitter or elsewhere, assuming the artist is okay with it. There have been times when things have been taken down because either the artist or the commissioner didn't want it to be shared and sent a takedown request.

So, I, as a commissioner, can send a takedown request for one of my works I do not want to be publicly accessible anymore (i.e. paywalled by the artist after me posting it there) - using the same DMCA process that the artist would undergo, do I read you correctly?

hdk5 said:

So, I, as a commissioner, can send a takedown request for one of my works I do not want to be publicly accessible anymore (i.e. paywalled by the artist after me posting it there) - using the same DMCA process that the artist would undergo, do I read you correctly?

No, the commissioner is not the actual owner of the art in most cases. But there's been some times when a commissioner asked the artist to submit a DMCA because they didn't want their commission on the site.