The bulk update request #21673 (forum #261739) has been approved by @nsmrtmr1.
Posted under General
The bulk update request #21673 (forum #261739) has been approved by @nsmrtmr1.
BUR #21675 has been approved by @Coprolite.
create alias ybpac18 -> yobi_(ybpac18)
Actual artist's name.
The bulk update request #21675 (forum #261742) has been approved by @TrueKringe.
BUR #21677 has been approved by @user_932445.
create alias shizukatou22 -> usagiboshi_shizuka
Social media handles to artist name.
The bulk update request #21677 (forum #261745) has been approved by @nsmrtmr1.
BUR #21680 has been approved by @Strobe_Red.
create alias aquamarinepiano-0310 -> nekorin_chu
Same artist.
The bulk update request #21680 (forum #261750) has been approved by @Strobe_Red.
The bulk update request #21681 (forum #261754) has been approved by @hosannanajimi.
The bulk update request #21682 (forum #261756) has been approved by @thelieutenant.
BUR #21683 has been approved by @user_932445.
create alias ao0_0nemu -> don_(macaron_panda13)
create alias don_(macaron_panda13) -> ao_(ao0_0nemu)
Same artist, aliasing to current name with active twitter handle as the qualifier.
The bulk update request #21683 (forum #261758) has been approved by @nsmrtmr1.
BUR #21685 has been approved by @Admiral_Pectoral.
create alias matsu_takeshi -> tsukasa_matsuzaki
Two collabing artists mixed up in one tag. Tsukasa passed away but not takeshi. Remaking takeshi’s tag
The bulk update request #21685 (forum #261762) has been approved by @Admiral_Pectoral.
The bulk update request #21685 (forum #261762) has been approved by @Admiral_Pectoral.
BUR #21686 has been approved by @evazion.
remove alias matsu_takeshi -> tsukasa_matsuzaki
Finishing up.
BUR #21687 has been approved by @Punished_Kiki.
create alias pornomagnum -> magsama
Current artist name.
The bulk update request #21687 (forum #261766) has been approved by @punished_K.
BUR #21689 has been approved by @henmere.
create alias mui_(08mui_) -> hinota_(hkgskd)
Old name -> current name + _(twitter screenname)
They have the same email address.