post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #21514 has been approved by @henmere.

create alias urachan1629 -> uraura_ura-chan
create alias kurauchinaya -> kurauchi_naya
create alias inawata -> inata_wataru
create alias yushi0_0 -> mizuna_yushi
create alias harudei -> harudi
create alias msdk -> shirori_(cilolli)
create alias goodpain333 -> tsukuma_(kuma)
create alias mahgalo -> kamimon_(schwarzkap)

1. Twitter screenname -> current name on Instagram
2. Correct name
3-5. Stacc -> current name
6-7. Stacc -> name + _(part of screenname)
8. Stacc -> name + _(screenname)

BUR #21517 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

remove alias magicxbai -> eloseu_(haribochase)

nonamethanks said:

BUR #9914 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias magicxbai -> eloseu_(haribochase)

Appears to be the same artist.

Fixing this mistake as I mentioned before. The artists are different.

forum #254906
Few days ended up being 2 months. I can’t approve this myself so some admin will have to double check.
I removed the incorrect links from the tag.

BUR #21522 has been approved by @henmere.

create alias i_rumu_gi7 -> irumu_(i_rumu_gi7)
create alias muuu0o0 -> mu_(muuu0o0)
create alias wakamekutte36 -> ayuhata_toba
create alias boudokumen -> kumen_bodo
create alias kirimoto_takamitsu -> kirimmitsu
create alias nakatsurugi_0828 -> nakatsurugi_(kasegawa_makase)
create alias taijuirou -> taijirou_(taijuirou)
rename taijiro -> taijiro_(mofujiro)

1-2. Screenname -> name + _(screenname)
3. Screenname -> actual name
4. create alias boudokumen -> kumen_board: Old name -> current name (Updated. forum #261663)
5. create alias kirimoto_takamitsu -> kirimitsu_(kiritanpo) Old name -> current name + _(circle name) (Updated)
6. Stacc -> name + _(circle name)
7. Stacc -> name + _(stacc)
8. rename taijiro -> taijirou_(mofujiro) Ambiguous tag -> name + _(secondary name) (Updated)
