
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Maiden_in_Orange said:

post #6948596

How should I tag these faceless characters? Are they detailed enough to qualify for people (so I can disqualify them and tag 1girl), or should I count them as part of the character count? It's kinda hard to tell here, since the only difference between the central girl and the rest is that she actually has a face.

The ideology of not counting people in character count is not as valid nowadays. Usually I do both, people and count the characters, and solo focus to indicate the situation.

post #2813139

This a third-party trace right? What do we do to traces where the original is available on danbooru? derivative work?

Super_Affection said:

For the discoloration there's sepia which both those posts already have.

For the border... there's fading border but I think it's not quite right. Don't know a better one. A tag like "ragged border" would be good to have.

I'd like to see something like daguerreotype for art that resembles an aged photograph, this doesn't strictly require a border now that I think about it. Some more examples: post #5496101, post #5514809, post #5293873, post #5579881, post #5764676, post #5738422, post #5667174, post #6018286