
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

nonamethanks said:

again, and?

each post is judged individually by each approver that sees it. if you think not enough people saw it or you want it to have another chance, appeal it. i don't know what else to tell you if you don't understand that gigantic asses aren't everyone's cup of tea.
if nobody likes it, it doesn't get approved. it's simple as that. we have several dozen active approvers, and posts stay pending for 3 days, which guarantees some degree of fairness and objectivity, but there's no true objective way to judge whether an image is good or bad, so it's all up to each of them to individually decide whether to approve a post or not.
you keep asking why it was deleted, that's why. nobody liked it enough to approve it.

Then tell me how to appeal it you piece of shit

Sessyoin_Kiara said:

For me, the character's waist looks too far forward on post #6925155. You should put more effort into tagging.

Thank you for the advice, I had a hard time with that one.

post #6925155 is just a crop of the parent with a filter.

Do you have the parent post? I couldn't find it


Blank_User said:

post #6927778
Any issues with this one? I should note that only 9 approvers looked at it, which may be partly because I had to add the loli tag for some covered nudity and it probably hit some blacklists.

Both character's jawlines look very odd. They're asymmetrical in a way that isn't accounted for by perspective, and their mouths aren't positioned correctly relative to their chins.