post #9000000 GET!

deleting bullshit from the deletion thread

Posted under General

I forgot what the phrasing was exactly but, "ban me I don't care" was one of the lines, so yeah.

Anyway, regardless of that particular post, I think this is generally a good idea. I try not to skip over any appeals but if a whole page is 80% discussion about whether the moderation system is sensible, 15% snarky one lines and maybe 5% appeals if you're lucky, it gets difficult. And the whole point of the thread is to make sure that things that were overlooked are given one more chance, so if the thread becomes unreadable (as it occasionally became recently), that pretty effectively defeats the purpose of its existence.

EDIT: I do agree that it needs to be added to the rules in the first post (and the about:deletion_appeals page too, the same thing of course). Perhaps we should even consider posting a link to that wiki at the start of every new page.


I made my assumption on the basis of the user's deleted posts. They all had one thing in common: peeing. As far as I can tell, unless you're a contributor, if your image has peeing in it's not going to get approved since none of the moderators like it apparantly. Personally I find this a bit of a problem, but it doesn't look like something that's set to change unfortunately...

Admittedly the user did go completely the wrong way about stating his point. Oh well.

I think a reference to the deletion appeals wiki at the top of every page would be a good idea. Or perhaps a message just above the post box for that thread. Not sure if that's entirely feasible though.

SM said:
if your image has peeing in it's not going to get approved since none of the moderators like it apparantly.

..what kind of reason is that, anyways? Aren't pics supposed to be approved based on their actual quality, not on whether a mod likes the fetish? It does explain many things, though...

Harumaru said:
Aren't pics supposed to be approved based on their actual quality?

While that's true the mod/admin do have the right to not approve and/or delete any pictures, regardless of quality, for numerous reasons.

I say do so. It sickens me when I appeal a post, and the very next post is someone arguing about why their piece of crap post got deleted because it's a nude filter or a really bad photoshop or whatever. This should be a process, one by one, appeal, denied, appeal, accepted, appeal, etcetera.

If there are problems, a dialogue should be opened via PM or elsewhere.

Harumaru said: ..what kind of reason is that, anyways? Aren't pics supposed to be approved based on their actual quality

"Quality" at danbooru = What the mods like. (about:mod_queue) That's overstating the case, really, but I might as well exaggerate to get the point across. After all, you can draw a technically excellent furry guro image, but like fuck is it going to get approved. There are two levels of unwanted posts: outright TOS violations (which peeing is not), and images that don't play well with the more subjective norms and tastes and expectations of the mod community (which describes peeing for the most part).

It's not democratic, but it's not supposed to be. I'm sure I'm not convincing anyone who is critical of the mod queue policies with this, but to be honest I'm not concerned with doing so at the moment.


With that out of the way, I don't have a problem with deleting the extraneous chatter. That does remove evidence that us useful when deciding on blocks and negative records, though, which is my only concern. I'd say to use your judgment and leave a record (with quotes) in the worst cases so the deletion of the unwanted posts doesn't in effect absolve the troublemaker of their sins.

The lengthiest discussion that should generally be allowed about a single appeal is:

1) Uploader lists a few appeals (always)
2) A mod explains the reasons for deletion (occasionally)
3) User replies only if the deletion/explanation was based on factually incorrect information; i.e., it was not a nude filter and here's the link on the artist's website for proof. (rarely)

End. Anything beyond that is almost never going to be needed. Maybe an "oh you're right, undeleted" if applicable. Almost everything else can be deleted.

For the most part, there's no need to go beyond step 1. They appeal it, we look at it, and either it gets undeleted or it doesn't. Uploaders who pursue beyond this point are generally the ones uploading terrible images or not reading the rules anyway.


I will try to push more to get responses to appeals to be more polite. Yes, an image may be shit. But you don't necessarily have to say that. God knows I've often thought it, but I try to let the fact that I didn't approve their appeal speak for me. Some people only really get set off if they receive and unnecessarily blunt reply.

Unfortunately, some people won't "get it" unless you're really blunt, but hopefully they can be dealt with in ways that keep appeal thread clutter to a minimum.

I'll also post a notice about this in the appeals thread.


Thanks for the effort jxh! I'll start deleting things from now on. It's probably not worthwhile to go through the thread and delete chatter from the past, but it's a good policy for the future. (As long as people don't start complaining about "you used to have chatter in the deletion appeals thread" :D)

Because of this thread I have gotten an idea of a "pinned post" within a thread, but I will save it for another thread and also when I have thought about how it would work more.

スラッシュ said: Because of this thread I have gotten an idea of a "pinned post" within a thread, but I will save it for another thread and also when I have thought about how it would work more.

Like having a post always appear at the top of each page? Not a bad idea, although I'll leave other comments for when/if you do make a thread on the idea.

Granola said: Does this exclude the extraneous chatter from mods?

No, we should be held to the same standard.