
Vendetta against note vandalism

Posted under General

I'm still conflicted about how to treat deletions of notes when it is the only note on the post, because I feel it's less likely for it to be accidental.

The general trends for accidental deletion appear to be when it's a big image with many notes, or if it's a big note that covers a significant portion of the image.


Soljashy said:
This makes me wonder if I ought to be checking up on my notes more. Frankly, I'd rather invest my limited Danbooru time into doing new translations than to babysit old ones.

You can always note lock your finished translations, although that prevents members from making legitimate edits.

albert said:
It may just be confusion about what the Remove button does. I should rename it to Delete and add a confirmation. I can also add a 1 week mandatory registration period like with pool edits (if it doesn't exist already).

How about making the IP address associated with note edits visible to mods? That would make it easier to determine whether these one-off edits are coming from vandalism accounts or are accidental.

evazion said:
You can always note lock your finished translations, although that prevents members from making legitimate edits.

I didn't know that was possible. I'm wary to do so, though, because as much as I try to avoid incorrect translations, my Japanese is not perfect.

You know, it would be great if it were possible to lock individual notes. That way I could only lock the ones I am positively convinced of. Also, if we had a Translator class, it would be great if only those and mods/admins could unlock notes (to stop the buy-in privleged from potentially abusing the system).

Soljashy said:
Also, if we had a Translator class, it would be great if only those and mods/admins could unlock notes (to stop the buy-in privleged from potentially abusing the system).

Buy-in privileged users are out $20 when their account gets banned. The damage that can be done is fairly minimal and can be reverted easily. If someone is willing to keep paying for priv accounts that's just more money for albert.

albert said:
It may just be confusion about what the Remove button does. I should rename it to Delete and add a confirmation. I can also add a 1 week mandatory registration period like with pool edits (if it doesn't exist already).

I am sorry to say that I did this once before I knew what I was doing. I did revert it though, so no problems left behind. only bringing this up to give evedence to the button misconception issue.

Advanced Danbooru intelligence gathering tools go below this line:
First, here is something I've been working on for some time now, a userscript that displays an enhanced note history that can show diffs and old note positions if you press Ctrl + Alt + S while viewing a post.
It works in Firefox/Greasemonkey and in Opera.

The other two are a bit harder to use, requiring python and the command line;

Here is a python script that downloads a large chunk of history, filtered on users and type.
For instance,
python -m20 -n9999 -fd
will make note_history.html, which shows the first 20 pages of note deletions in the note history.

python -p20 -n1000 -m999 -t -u
will show the next 1000 notes from page 20 and onwards, showing thumbnails and user information when hovering over the post id or username.

Common errors: If you see almost no note edits over the first ten pages, you've probably forgotten to delete recklessfirex from the example user ignore list. :)

This script aggregates user information.
It needs a text file with user ids to work on, e.g. links to their profile side should work fine.

python -fhtml userids.txt level:..member order:join_date_desc > users.html
will write summaries of all users in userids.txt of member status or lower to users.html, sorted descendingly by their join date.

python -fhtml -n -r -a userids.txt note_deletions:1.. order:note_nops > users.html
will show users with one or more note deletions, ordered by the number of note saves with no changes. It will include the user's records, note history, and advanced note statistics.

There's some more examples in the comments at the start of the python scripts, and they both take a --help option to describe their command line switches.

I'm not sure if these will be useful for anyone but myself, but I might as well put them up here now that they're written.


'Kay, the FF/GM script works quite nicely. Where would I need to edit should I want to change the trigger from Ct+Sh+O to another letter? I use your shaped TL note script as well, and it's nice to just keep one hand on the keys while operating the mouse.

The python ones... that'll actually require me to learn it, so I'll leave them to those who can actually use them.

Lalaca said:
'Kay, the FF/GM script works quite nicely. Where would I need to edit should I want to change the trigger from Ct+Sh+O to another letter?

Towards the bottom, there's a line that reads.
if (!(ev.keyCode == 79 && ev.ctrlKey && ev.shiftKey)) // Ctrl + Shift + O

The number decides the key. If a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, etc., you add 64 to get the keyCode.

Would it be possible to add a size reference or recording of some kind to the note history? So it can show when that is the only thing edited. I have no idea how difficult this would be since I am bad with codes but just a suggestion.

Apologies for the necro-bump, but I wasn't sure if this guy's actions warranted a negative record since the account isn't even a week old yet, and I don't want to be too quick on the draw with the Neg-Hammer.

Here's the case:

The user named ryder17 seems to have afflicted a few images with nonsensical notes. For the curious who wish to check the images, be advised that some are NSFW. The contents seem to mostly be what the user thinks amounts to humor. However, it does not match up with the underlying text all.

I'd like to ask what the appropriate response should be (for similar cases in the future as well).


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