
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Sorry if this ever been mentioned on forums before - I couldn't find any earlier mentions of this, but...
Do we have/need the tag for deliberate first-party artifacts of no artistic value?

Right now, there only artifact tags I know about are jpeg_artifacts, gif_artifacts, scan_artifacts or resampling_artifacts - all of which are used for unintended technical flaws.

Here, I am specifically talking about artifacts like those produced by glaze anti-ai tool, which look exactly what it named - as if the artist committed the ultimate act of self-disrespect by printing out their artwork they spent their precious time on, glazing it all over with some questionable substance, and then scanning it back to upload for the public to view hurt their eyes.

The very few examples I can remember of are post #6265072, post #6342150, or, what's been bothering me the most - just almost any recent illustration from siera sourced from pixiv (but, surprisingly - not fantia or even twitter) (i.e siera_(sieracitrus) id:6492884.. pixiv_id:any status:any)

Sessyoin_Kiara said:

post #6786114
Does that black heel-less thingy resembling socks and ballet slippers count as footwear or legwear? Should I just leave it untagged?

Looking around it it seems to match two different things: half sole ballet slippers (half sole dance shoes alternatively) and half socks. While they do possess attributes of both, it would probably be best to assume they're a type of footwear given that they're worn over thighhighs and the flower and large bow are features that would make it difficult to be worn under anything else. Given these, it'd give more weight to them being similar to the half sole shoes/slippers than half socks.

The features it does lack that makes them more sock-like is that they're missing a sole on the bottom and the material is shown very thin compared to what would be shown for normal footwear. Given the attributes that are more shoe-like though, it's probably just best to not worry about these.