
Feathered wings

Posted under Tags

BUR #20206 has been rejected.

create implication angel_wings -> feathered_wings
create implication bird_wings -> feathered_wings

Missing implication.

Angel wings wiki page describes them as subtype of feathered wings:

Typically, large white feathered wings.

See also

Feathered wings wiki page:

Wings that are covered by feathers.

See also

Bird wings wiki is self explanatory:

Wings of a bird.

External links

Some might want to consider bird_wings and angel_wings wings separate given detalied patterened bird wings vs pure white angel wings so I didn't request to alias them but they should definitely both imply feathered_wings.


Veraducks said:

No they’re not.

Similarly, I don’t tag all of bird tail with tail feathers. There are too many stylized examines that have no visible feathering.

They are feathered wings? it sounds like you are referring to the level of detail as a qualifier for the tag while I'm referring to the type of wing as a qualifier for the tag, as in feathered wings vs dragon wings vs butterfly wings etc and I'm 99% sure the tag is meant to be used for wing type rather than be restricted by detail. The wiki literally describes angel wings as a subtype of feathered wings:

"Typically, large white feathered wings."

and the feathered wings wiki:
"Wings that are covered by feathers." the more "type sounding" feather_wings tag was even aliased to feathered_wings but that might just be simmilar wording.

As for the chibi in the original post I wasn't sure if that was meant to be a cardboard cutout rather than actual wings, but then should "bird_wings" even be tagged in the first place?

War6t2 said:

As for the chibi in the original post I wasn't sure if that was meant to be a cardboard cutout rather than actual wings, but then should "bird_wings" even be tagged in the first place?

No they shouldn't, I was using it as an example of angel wings the first part of your BUR and there are a ton in the tag which similarly are clear examples of images with angel_wings that shouldn't be tagged as feathered or bird_wings post #6692585 is another good example.

I am also of the firm belief that the usage of the feathered_wings tag is strickly for posts where you can actually tell the feathers are present. Danbooru almost alwaays relies on visual tagging. Using feathered wings for "Wing Type" defeats its purpose in helping people look for detailed wings . As one last aside looking at older posts tagged feathered_wings you can really see the level of detail they were looking for post #19891

zetsubousensei said:

No they shouldn't, I was using it as an example of angel wings the first part of your BUR and there are a ton in the tag which similarly are clear examples of images with angel_wings that shouldn't be tagged as feathered or bird_wings post #6692585 is another good example.

I am also of the firm belief that the usage of the feathered_wings tag is strickly for posts where you can actually tell the feathers are present. Danbooru almost alwaays relies on visual tagging. Using feathered wings for "Wing Type" defeats its purpose in helping people look for detailed wings . As one last aside looking at older posts tagged feathered_wings you can really see the level of detail they were looking for post #19891

Meant this chibi, post #2489053.

You are right most are more detailed I admit, but there are some less detailed ones post #6763142 post #6762802 post #6759830 post #6759674 post #6757367 post #6757514........ and the sheer amount of anime wing anatomy in that tag serves as an argument for seperating feathered and bird wings.......

I disagree on the type v detail debate but found some pretty cool shit in the tag so thank you for leading me to check it more in depth.


War6t2 said:

That was 7 years ago with two replies. The chibi has feathered winks.

Did you read the other two topics Unbreakable provided?

War6t2 said:

Meant this chibi, post #2489053.

You are right most are more detailed I admit, but there are some less detailed ones post #6763142 post #6762802 post #6759830........

Zetsubousensei was not arguing against those being tagged feathered wings. You can see the individual feathers in those posts. You can't in the chibi posts.

In the case of post #2489053, I can understand the argument for tagging it with feathered wings, but I'd consider this a borderline case at best. Most people would naturally assume the wings have feathers in this case, but because of the stylization, it is technically possible for them to be something else. In the other posts, the fact that the wings are feathered is far less ambiguous. I might be wrong, but that's how I'm reading the conversation so far.

Blank_User said:

Did you read the other two topics Unbreakable provided?

Zetsubousensei was not arguing against those being tagged feathered wings. You can see the individual feathers in those posts. You can't in the chibi posts.

In the case of post #2489053, I can understand the argument for tagging it with feathered wings, but I'd consider this a borderline case at best. Most people would naturally assume the wings have feathers in this case, but because of the stylization, it is technically possible for them to be something else. In the other posts, the fact that the wings are feathered is far less ambiguous. I might be wrong, but that's how I'm reading the conversation so far.

Yes the chibi is actually from one of those topics

Not all angel wings are feathered: angel_wings mechanical_wings, post #4927636.

The other argument of "they're bird wings but not feathery" is nonsense to me. It's obvious that they're meant to be feathered wings, nobody would argue against it nor would they object to those posts ending up in a feathered wings tag if not for the fact that the tag is older than some of the people in here.

It might make more sense to argue that there's cases of plucked bird wings that would inevitably cause mistags, but to argue that bird wings aren't feathered wings if the individual feathers aren't drawn to me sounds like you'd argue that birds haven't feathers if they're too far away.
