BobTheBuilder_v1 said:
So your brilliant idea was to keep abiding by a wiki you are fully aware of has issues? You’d think that as a user with the most to lose over contention with loli, you’d be a little bit more invested in its reform. Or at the very least, not attempt to skirt the line at every opportunity (we have a thread explicitly to check loli/shota). But I agree that this issue has been kicked along the street for long enough, so I’ll put some time into updating the wiki sometime soon.
I’m not the lolicon hater you might assume, I upload and favorite it, but it’s really not hard to be conservative about something this contentious.
I didn't really want to continue arguing with you at first, but now I feel compelled to respond.
Regarding my uploads specifically, let me point out that I notice far more loli tag removal edits on them that make me think "in what world she's not a loli?" than "why the fuck would you tag this as loli" additions, so I believe that your anger at me is unjustified. Of course, there are occasional obvious "why the fuck i didn't tag this loli on upload", but those are my genuine mistakes, and are very rare.
To clarify further, id:6735443,6723218,6720813,6718027,6716142,6686819,6677524,6671083,6650895,6545454,6393582,6357961 status:any (all of those are my posts that got loli added either by you or someone else), along with the previously mentioned post #6735308 - are few examples that fall into the second, not the third, category. I genuinely - and equally - see no reason for them to be tagged as loli.
But, if you believe you can somehow bring everyone - me, you, random blue, certain red, that one loli hater unres upping exclusively rating:g, or this one horny plat lurker with over 30000 loli favs - to a consensus on this matter, I'd genuinely be pleased if you could achieve that.