
I'm allowed to upload images in bulk here, right?

Posted under General

My friend and I are trying to archive an obscure manga and don't know where to post it. I've never used this website before, is this the best place for it, or are there better places? I don't want to just stick it in Google Drive and call it a day.

Images posted to Danbooru get scraped and reposted to virtually every other image board on the internet. If archiving is your concern this is one of the best places, but the quality might not be up to standard and it will get soft deleted (will still be scraped and searchable, though).

About uploading in bulk: sure, that's fine, just don't create a second account to circumvent the upload limit.

Basically, you can upload for as many upload slots as you are given (starting at 15 and rising and falling from there). You get the slots back once the image is either approved or deleted. 15 should be enough to start with, and as long as the manga in question is up to Danbooru's quality standards, it shouldn't be too hard to get approved and safely archived.

Also, if you're going to be uploading a manga, I'd strongly advise creating a series pool to house it in. I'd recommend reading the pool groups wiki to get a better understanding of what this looks like (as well as looking in the "pools" tab to get a better idea of how they are typically organized).