
Overuse of meme tags on things that should get a gentag

Posted under Tags

Many people spam meme tags on normal things because the corresponding gentag has yet been created so they just mindlessly consider every thing a meme.

I was looking for a tag for that common way to hold and dangle cats and there were none so I made armpit carry. When I was seeking posts to populate it I remembered longcat. I thought it was a well-tagged meme but turns out it's filled with random animals and person dangling. This isn't some unusual pose, you don't need a meme to know how to annoy hold your cat humans are naturals.

Same thing with rice wave. If you've ever watched a cooking video you'd know that tossing isn't anything original. Yet we still get posts like this. Two things before a new tag though, we already have another tossing, and how will it work with flipping food. I'm not exactly supportive about mixing solid flips like pancakes and tossing loose ingredients together.


BUR #19791 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias rice_wave_(meme) -> fried_rice_prank_(meme)

To match the Know Your Meme article name.

Pros: can't be confused for something else as nobody will tag any old rice wave as a "fried rice prank", shows origins of it being a fake/sculpted wave (prank, matches the KYM article title for searchability, links the meme to the distinct wave shape the tag represents.
Cons: Less descriptive of the shape (a wave), but the "rice wave" alias will exist anyway.

Alternatively, we could call it rice wave prank or fried race wave prank so it still has "wave" to describe the shape, but I like matching it to the name the KYM senior staff member & editor came up with for this meme.
