Posted under General
The bulk update request #19537 (forum #252387) has been approved by @KagayakuShiningGate.
BUR #19538 has been rejected.
create alias siirakannu -> sirakannnu
Proper spelling
An alternative could be kannnu_(sirakannnu).
The bulk update request #19531 (forum #252377) has been approved by @smowtenshi.
BUR #19541 has been approved by @wanbansui.
create alias yuyanshu13 -> yu_yanshu
Twitter handle -> actual name (于彦舒).
The bulk update request #19541 (forum #252400) has been approved by @wanbansui.
BUR #19542 has been approved by @Hankpropaniac57.
create alias fnooc823 -> chaena_(exmd3552)
same artist
BUR #19543 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias yyrf3o -> netetsu_(yyrf3o)
create alias ._(pixiv35127496) -> netetsu_(yyrf3o)
Same artist, they also go by ねてつ (Netetsu). Using the twitter handle of their public twitter account as a qualifier. I still don't know the proper procedure when there are two different artist tags for the same person and neither are a good name.
The bulk update request #19542 (forum #252402) has been approved by @Hankpropaniac57.
Hankpropaniac57 said:
I still don't know the proper procedure when there are two different artist tags for the same person and neither are a good name.
Like how you did above, you request to alias the older arttags to a new one named after their most used screen name. Add a qualifier if it's ambiguous with other tags, usually that's the artist's most used handle.
Admiral_Pectoral said:
Should I add a qualifier or just alias mtmnkmn to the artist tag?
I think this isn't necessary. The autocomplete won't give you the tag without an alias but you can find the tag in the Artists page now.
BUR #19544 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias kareidon26 -> curry_bowl
Same artist. The current twitter link for curry_bowl was of an alt account, kareidon26 was created from the main account.
BUR #19549 has been approved by @baconmeh2.
create alias fwfwfwrni -> hatosabure
Same artist. Discord didn't notify me when someone replied with who they are.
The bulk update request #19549 (forum #252415) has been approved by @baconmeh2.
The bulk update request #19545 (forum #252408) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #19544 (forum #252407) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #19527 (forum #252349) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #19528 (forum #252353) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #19533 (forum #252382) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #19523 (forum #252339) has been approved by @evazion.